>The web is the common project, right? We're all working together to put together powerful and performant windows into the web, and we work together at places like the W3C and WhatWG to construct a common vision of what that means.
No, we (the companies) don't.
We work to get web features that we can leverage.
If we can get away with them being adopted by everybody but solely controlled by us, it's all the merrier. If we can get away with keeping some features to ourselves as a competitive advantage ditto.
If we can push our agenda and standards instead of collaborating and iterating faster on common ones, that's great too.
We (the companies) could care less about the web, in any way in which it doesn't affect our bottom line.
In fact, if we have to stall the Web's progress to protect some of our own investments and offerings, we're all for it.
Also, if we have to stall the Web's progress just to avoid some competitor getting his stuff adopted and standardized first, we're all for it.
"We're doing our own thing that we totally control and will likely only show up in our products"
is better than
"We're contributing to one of the best/most successful opensource projects around and thereby making the web better for people across devices and platforms".
No, we (the companies) don't.
We work to get web features that we can leverage.
If we can get away with them being adopted by everybody but solely controlled by us, it's all the merrier. If we can get away with keeping some features to ourselves as a competitive advantage ditto.
If we can push our agenda and standards instead of collaborating and iterating faster on common ones, that's great too.
We (the companies) could care less about the web, in any way in which it doesn't affect our bottom line.
In fact, if we have to stall the Web's progress to protect some of our own investments and offerings, we're all for it.
Also, if we have to stall the Web's progress just to avoid some competitor getting his stuff adopted and standardized first, we're all for it.