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IANAL but I think the moment you put a license on it you claimed copyright. IIRC you don't have rights to license someone else's creation without consent

YANAL. It was copyrighted the moment it came into existence as his work.

YDNR (you did not read :P) I say he put a license and this implies he claimed copyright.

That's the thing. You don't 'claim' copyright. It is a right established by the Berne Convention. You would file a claim if your copyright were violated, but other than that, you control distribution of your original work as long as Sonny Bono says. :-)

Points for coining a new abbrev. YDNR is going into my "snarky, not explained" responses in emails. :-) "What does that mean?" "Oh, I often hit some keys for a macro on my home computer that don't expand on this machine."

Look at my original comment that started this subthread. If it's a derivative work (which it seems to be) Google owns the copyright to OP's image.

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