Hi pg,
SendGrid just posted a status update to Twitter and another update to their status page on their website (outside their blog) so all signs point to SendGrid accounts _not_ being compromised. Could you reinstate the posts to the front page again?
This hasn't been a problem before. There have been cases where the front page has been all about a single event (Aaron Swartz/Steve Jobs come to mind), and there have been cases where there are multiple stories on the front page that all repeat the same argument (like the 3 anti-EA stories on the front page at the same time last week).
This story is of interest to the community, is directly relevant, and is still being censored. There's not a single post about this on the front page.
I agree that it's a story of interest to the community here. And it should be discussed, I just don't see the need for many threads on the precise same topic.
I think Steve Jobs was totally different given the impact of his life.
Whereas this story is about who we (the tech community) are, how we treat each other, and what our daughters can expect if they join the tech industry.
There's no need for you to be so rude in claiming that I can't read. I read what he said and all I argued would be that one thread would be enough. There's no need to have a front page full of stories which are all essentially the same (of the TechCrunch/VentureBeat etc. repeating of the same things).
A compromise isn't necessarily an exclusive lock on posting rights, so the existence of other credible-looking non-controversial posts, after the posts-in-doubt, does not verify the provenance of the posts-in-doubt.
I'd wait for a reputable journalist -- someone who actually picks up the phone, or visits SendGrid, and talks to someone there they knew already as a person with corporate authority -- to confirm.