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So Toyota can amend any feature of a car at any point on the production line? Could they move the steering wheel to the back seat on a whim and the car will still function? I think not. You can't use Toyota to prove that Agile works.

One thing has nothing to do with another. If you want to kill bacteria, bleach is pretty effective.

If you want to kill a person, a bullet does a good job of that.

Dipping bullets in bleach doesn't make either of those things do either of their jobs better. And it doesn't make either of them any better at killing flies.

I wasn't using Toyota as proof that Agile works. I was suggesting that are common problems in managing systems of work have common solutions based on sound, proven theory.

All it takes, as others have said, is that by applying critical thinking and with armed with the knowledge of the theories I mentioned you will quickly arrive at some of the principles/processes/techniques you'll find in Agile.

The fact that the word Agile itself has become a poisoned, meaningless word, adopted by the same people that used to peddle previous software process fads (and the consultancy and services that naturally go with it) doesn't mean that there are some good ideas that really do work.

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