why would you choose a web framework which requires you to change your operating system? That's asinine.
Your desktop operating system != your server operating system.
There are no "windows web frameworks" and that's not a coincidence.
If you're serious about bringing something online then your first step should be to learn the proper tools anyways.
Insisting on a windows-platform only because that happens to be your preferred desktop OS, now that would be asinine.
There are no "linux web frameworks" either, aside from Rails I guess, because I don't know of any currently popular language other than Ruby that doesn't really work on Windows.
Most frameworks are obviously not bound to a particular OS but almost all of them are developed on a Unix and more or less assume a POSIX platform.
Yes, many do have a section in the docs for "Installation under windows" but that's normally intended for a development environment, at most and comes with many little strings attached such as "not tested on windows"-markers in the docs and raised eyebrows on the mailing list.
Your desktop operating system != your server operating system.
There are no "windows web frameworks" and that's not a coincidence. If you're serious about bringing something online then your first step should be to learn the proper tools anyways.
Insisting on a windows-platform only because that happens to be your preferred desktop OS, now that would be asinine.