Periodic reminder to the Linux and free software community of the damage they made with their ideology wars against the Mono environment. Mono is now the most popular game and one of the most popular app development environments. :-)
Kudos to Miguel and the rest of the Xamarin team, the update looks amazing.
> Periodic reminder to the Linux and free software community of the damage they made with their ideology wars against the Mono environment
What damage, exactly? I don't think Linux adoption is in any way harmed by the removal of all Mono packages from the default installs of several distros.
> Mono is now the most popular game and one of the most popular app development environments
I find that a bit hard to believe unless you are talking about cross-platform mobile game development.
I guess he means Unity which uses Mono. But there are others as well like MonoGame which is the de facto XNA successor (and its natural evolution) and Playstation Mobile that uses Mono.
edit: Would be quite awesome if they somehow incorporated the Mono runtime on the new Playstation as well for indie development. Here's for wishful thinking!
Ubuntu removed Tomboy from their default install due to Mono dependency. Tomboy is still a well used and liked application on Linux desktops. Just one example of many great apps "killed" that I am most familiar with.
Well, given that Xamarin doesn't seem to support Linux for their newest IDEs it's especially a shame. I'd prefer .NET/Mono over Java (and i'd prefer python and C over .NET), but it doesn't look like there's support for that..
Last time i tried to get MonoDevelop with those Android tools to check out cross-platform app development with Mono and it's a no-go. Now Xamarin Studio appears to be Mac and Windows only. Very disappointing!
Kudos to Miguel and the rest of the Xamarin team, the update looks amazing.