Heh -- stick around, kid. :) Those shiny new greenfield codebases, so full of promise, perfect architectures and unfettered extensibility, can turn into slow-moving, spaghetti-code Leviathans in a matter of weeks. It's not just the decades-old, massive LOC codbases that provoke this dichotomy: chances are very good that the code you're working on right now, that gorgeous, sleek, sexy code -- will be staring at you with its cold, incomprehensible dead eyes within the year, asking you how, how did it come to this, how did you neglect me so, and why do you hate me now?
OK, or maybe not. But it can happen, and it does, all the time, in really good shops with very experienced coders using all the right techniques and best intentions. I know. Dear God, I know.
Of course anyone would rather bootstrap new code and feel the thrill of new object models, shiny, hip new libraries breezing through their editors. But until you've experienced both sides of the equation, the long-term consequences of technical debt growing through a codebase like some kind of...virus...you'll not know how important the second-order effects of refactoring, TDD, and truly clean code really are.
OK, or maybe not. But it can happen, and it does, all the time, in really good shops with very experienced coders using all the right techniques and best intentions. I know. Dear God, I know.
Of course anyone would rather bootstrap new code and feel the thrill of new object models, shiny, hip new libraries breezing through their editors. But until you've experienced both sides of the equation, the long-term consequences of technical debt growing through a codebase like some kind of...virus...you'll not know how important the second-order effects of refactoring, TDD, and truly clean code really are.