I love HN and the crowd here. It's by far the absolute best online community I've ever been a part of.
That being said, the arrogance displayed in many of the comments on this thread and others like it is one of the things I dislike most here. There's this pervasive attitude that hackers > businesspeople, and while it's ridiculous for a business guy to think he can hire a programmer (or be of much value to one), you never see articles about how hackers are helpless without business people or how a hacker would have no idea how to hire a marketing or sales guy (and shouldn't even try).
Maybe I'm overreacting because I'm one of those who straddle the line, but this kind of arrogance serves no one.
I come from a business background as well, and I wholeheartedly agree with your point. It's just as hard for hackers to find good businesspeople as it is for businesspeople to find good hackers.
Yes, many businesspeople hire bad hackers resulting in a bad product. But equally many hackers hire bad bussinesspeople and never get their product out the door. None of these scenarios are good.
The keypoint here is that to start a successful business you need many components, and if you fail at just one of them you're finished - A startup is never stronger than its weakest link.
The startups that achieve success acknowledge what their strengths are, are keenly aware of their weaknesses and try diligently to hire people that can fill these out. So the great hacker should not frown at businesspeople if he wants to do a succesful startup, he should acknowledge the fact that he has shortcomings, as everybody does, and try to hire people to fill out these shortcomings. The weakest point with many hackers (in my personal experience) is that they don't like political games, don't like cold-calling people, and don't think marketing should drive your sales. Exactly the things a good businessperson excels at.
So please, get along and you will make more succesful companies.
First, I think the article does a good job of summing up not just a good programming hire, but any good employee. (I'm about 85/15 tech/business). Not all good programmers fit the profile, but it reduces your chances of a bad hire if you follow it.
That said, there are no pointers or how-tos that will turn you into a qualified judge of a profession completely unrelated to your own and I don't at all think it's arrogant for "hackers" (or anyone else) to be somewhat offended at that idea.
Your statement reads as if to say "how arrogant of you to think a businessperson can't become a qualified judge of your work by reading a few pointers", which is itself a very arrogant statement. I don't think that's necessarily what you meant, but I think you are mistaking a little bit of offense and some defensiveness for arrogance and reacting to that misperception.
This isn't "hackers > " anyone, either, I certainly don't think I could read a few pointers and suddenly have the ability to pick a well qualified architect, urban planner or a mechanic (I know zero about cars). I could see a house and say "hey, you must be a good architect" but if I had to hire one early in their career I'd ideally go to someone in their field that I trust (as suggested in many comments here).
The difference is that a good hacker can get the actual product out the door without bringing anyone else on board. A good businessman can't do anything without outside help.
BTW I say this as a business guy. Granted I know how to code a little. But I still need someone to code the site up, And don't bother finding a cofounder at that stage, for that early alpha, you need to rely on freelancers to get the job done, because finding a tech cofounder is next to impossible.
Why? Because every programmer gets approached once a week with "hey, I heard you know interwebz, help me code up my site and lets make billions!".
"A good businessman can't do anything without outside help."
Not true. The vast majority of reasonably to highly profitable businesses either don't have a product at all, or else have a product that involves no new technology. Businesses that require a hacker or an engineer are by far the exception. To the extent that the philosophy of Hacker News is wrong, it's mostly because it ignores that fact that for 98% of the people reading this site it would be more profitable for them to open a Korean grocery than to do a website.
I don't see much arrogance in this thread, or hackers > business folks.
What I do see, and agree with, is good business would have a ridiculously hard time finding a great programmer. I don't even think good programmers could consistently identify the great hackers with the ability to propel a startup forward. Also finding that individual is only half the battle - putting their expertise to work optimally for a startup is no easy task.
I have seen articles on how hackers cannot identify good business/marketing/sales people. I recall one article explaining quite well how a smart programmer with a good business concept was sunk by his bad selection in a sales guy.
We can just generalize this argument to 'Identifying people great at a task is difficult, even more so if you come from a disjoint background'. Perhaps adding in 'A subset of those great people will be able to leverage that skill at your startup'.
Let me summarize with an analogy.
Finding a great ship is an enormous challenge - especially for someone who is neither a ship-builder or sailer. But owning a great ship does not guarantee faster travel; the winds and currents must be harnessed.
Worth pointing out that the article proposes the opposite: that business guys can learn how to hire hackers, thanks to that list of indicators I pulled together.
A lot of it (maybe) just relates to being able to judge people.
You're best off hiring someone you can work effectively with, rather than the best programmer in the world (as for judging someone you can work with long term, that's another problem).
And interestingly, being able to judge people is one of the most important traits of a business person. When you boil it down, picking and motivating people is the major part of a good CEO's job.
Part of my business school experience consisted of listening to decrepit, senile, old professors making fun of engineers who tried to start businesses but lacked basic business skills. This kind of arrogance, at the very least, serves me.
Please please post (or link to) info about how to recognize a good business guy if you're a hacker. I'm certainly struggling with that problem right now.
"In practice what happens is that the business guys choose people they think are good programmers (it says here on his resume that he’s a Microsoft Certified Developer) but who aren’t. Then they’re mystified to find that their startup lumbers along like a World War II bomber while their competitors scream past like jet fighters. This kind of startup is in the same position as a big company, but without the advantages.
So how do you pick good programmers if you’re not a programmer? I don’t think there’s an answer. I was about to say you’d have to find a good programmer to help you hire people. But if you can’t recognize good programmers, how would you even do that?”
And then goes on to say he disagrees with PG and then provides some "indicators" that business guys can use to guide their search .
The thing is, a "business guy" is in no shape to judge any of these "indicators" accurately even if we grant that these are valid (which I don't).
. How would this hypothetical business guy recognize "passion for programming" (one of the "indicators" for recognizing programming excellence the author mentions)?
Let us see what he says
"Good programmers will have a tendency to talk your ear off about some technical detail of what they’re working on (but while clearly believing, sincerely, that what they’re talking about is really worth talking about). Some people might see that as maladapted social skills (which it is), but if you want to recognise a good developer, this passion for what they’re doing at the expense of social smoothness is a very strong indicator. Can you get this guy to excitedly chat up a technology that he’s using, for a whole half hour, without losing steam? Then you might be onto a winner."
Yeah right!!! This reminds me of some managers I know who'd make these kinds of judgments and reward the most technically inept members of the team because they "excitedly talk your ears off". Most of the talk would be technically incoherent but how would they know? all they detect is the "passion".
The rest of the "indicators" are similarly flawed.
PS the comments are hilarious too. I particularly liked "The above list is excellent (and it describes me perfectly). " :-D
None of those indicators were meant to be taken in isolation. Each of them, by itself, means nothing.
Taken altogether, they are helpful because they allow someone with little technical expertise to at least have a snowflake's chance in hell of recognising programing talent. If someone is enthusiastic, has a broad technical skill set, has been programming since before uni, loves to talk about the latest bit of technology he's picked up, is articulate, smart, learns technical stuff by himself, and has a tendency to work on side projects (rather than having all his experience on the CV), then they're far more likely to be a good programmer than not.
Remember, a business guy is effectively flying blind. I can sit with someone for 15 minutes and tell you whether they're a good hacker or not without having asked a single technical question, but someone with no technical skills cannot do that - nor can they figure out how to recognise someone like me to ask me to do it for them. They'll get fooled by certification-laden "software architects" who haven't written a line of code in years and will happily help them hire a football team's worth of mediocre programming talent.
I put together this list over a year ago to help non-technical people in this situation, and others must have found it useful, since over time it's accrued some 300'000 visitors and been linked to from pretty much everywhere.
If you feel you can come up with a better list of indicators, please do so, I'll be the first to vote you up.
You are trying to measure how hot a fire is by how much smoke it's producing. While on average smoke and fire are related it's not a great indicator. A simple solution would be to get 10 programmers into the same room and talk about a technical problem and ask them to privatly evalutate eachother afterward. But, that's not "fast" and "cheep" so most people go for guessing games.
Real life is all about trade-offs. "Slow" and "expensive" is not an option if you want ot be competitive, and others can do it fast and cheap. If all you have to go on is smoke, then learn to recognise different kinds of smoke is pretty handy.
In hindsight, more than a year after writing this article, I would say that this list might be most useful for the business guy to recognise someone who will help him hire good programmers, rather than as a direct hiring tool.
My worst hire was a java guy that I took a gamble on because we were short staff and could have used some help with mobile stuff. He was fired within two weeks, so I totally understand where this guy is coming from. I've also done interviews where I've asked candidates why they became interested in programming and they replied, "I don't really like computers, I just do this for the money." One guy actually said exactly that.
When 95% of the people you see coming through the door are like this I could see a non-programmer not being in a position to figure out that these people simply aren't worth hiring.... the solution I don't see addressed is more rapid and iterative trial and error in the development hiring process: bringing people on in a limited capacity or throwing them at smaller and contained technical projects before giving them responsibility for more important stuff. I'm a big fan of finding good people for part-time work and then growing them into full time positions if the business model starts supporting it and they want more work. This has worked well for non-programming stuff too.
I don't 'just do this for money' but an employer that explicitly requires passion and 'not doing it for money' looks like trying to get off paying less and have me working for 'the big idea'.
"at least have a snowflake's chance in hell of recognising programing talent" is a good frame for the article. Unfortunately the article, as written, seems to promise much more.
"If you feel you can come up with a better list of indicators, please do so, I'll be the first to vote you up."
I think the counter point maybe that there may not be any valid "indicators" at all that a completely "programming blind" business guy can use. At least this is how I read PG's original essay. I agree with that viewpoint based on my experience.
Personally I found the essay (and the comments) amusing. It is just that I don't feel that this list of so called "indicators" have any practical utility, not because you didn't try your level best to come up with good indicators, but because the successful use of such indicators needs some programming experience (or trusted programmers for the business guy to delegate the decision to, who happen to be good at programming).
In other words I completely agree with your assessment that "Remember, a business guy is effectively flying blind. I can sit with someone for 15 minutes and tell you whether they're a good hacker or not without having asked a single technical question, but someone with no technical skills cannot do that - nor can they figure out how to recognise someone like me to ask me to do it for them. They'll get fooled by certification-laden "software architects" who haven't written a line of code in years and will happily help them hire a football team's worth of mediocre programming talent."
We disagree on what (if anything) can be done without a competent programmer in the loop somewhere, by a business guy with no programming experience using these(and possibly other) "indicators".
Unfortunately the article, as written, seems to promise much more
Well, I'll be sure to make the next version better. :-) This was posted 18 months ago (and it's the third time it makes the front page of HN).
We disagree on what (if anything) can be done without a competent programmer in the loop somewhere
I think these indicators can at least be used to whittle down the technical people that a business person knows down to a shortlist that is more likely to be good (rather than just have fancy titles). I'll grant you that the list can be improved, but I can't agree that the list is useless.
Fair Enough :-). As I said earlier, I think your intent (of finding these or potentially better indicators) is a noble one. I am not convinced of the efficiacy of such indicators in practice, when weilded by a business guy with no programming experience. But hey, I could be wrong and you could be right ! I'll be glad to change my viewpoint if I see this approach work in a consistent fashion!
That's kind of like the "hidden project" criteria, except public. Back when I wrote this article, I was only just starting to get to grips with the open source community (after using its products for a long time).
I think phrased as "has released things publicly", it's a bit too restrictive, because some people will be excellent programmers but just not have gotten into the whole open source community thing.
That said, from the point of view of helping narrow it down for someone who doesn't know programming much, then yes - if a programmer has released public libraries/applications that are in use, that's a great form of "extra-curricular" not-so-hidden project, so it could well be used as an additional indicator.
The list is interesting and mostly true (IMHO). There is just one point where I differ with you:
"Formal Qualifications This is more a of non-indicator than a counter-indicator. The key point to outline here is that formal qualifications don’t mean squat when you’re trying to recognise a good programmer."
Qualifications is an effective way to limit at least some of the people. Most 4 year university degrees require at least a basic level of intelligence and commitment. It is true that there are a lot of professional Comp. Science bullshitters out there with degrees (I know quite a few) but on the average you will be luckier with a university guy. This does not just mean that you should look for Computer Science – applied mathematicians are also a good bet (based on other qualifications). (Of course there are also excellent programmers without degrees – but it is extremely difficult to find).
Another thing – something as simple as a typing test may help you. There are people out there that claim to be programmers (esp. freshly out of college) but do not really program (further than the task at hand). People who programs a lot for a long time will generally type faster than people who do not really program.
Also I think that to hire someone is fairly expensive (at least $50,000 a year in the states). If you make a bad decision it is a lot of money down the drain and one bad guy can ruin the atmosphere of a whole company. Why not hire a programmer (that you know to be competent) to help you with the interview? I am sure that a $1000 expense is less than the risk of wasting $50,000.
Wow - the typing thing seems to be popping up here a bit lately.
You'd seriously give a someway qualified programmer a typing test?
I don't think qualifications are a great hurdle requirement, but they are one of the indicators that are useful. Pretty much the best indication of how someone will do is past performance - and a degree contributes to that.
As for trade qualifications - e.g. Certified CompanyXYZ Professional. I've often found them to be neutral or counter-indicators -- quite often they are (1) even though you know this stuff inside out to do this work we mandate this qualification or (2) I heard XYZ professionals get paid a lot so I'll buy a "get your XYZ professional cert in 15 days" book and qualify.
In my experience anyway -- I've not done a massive amount of hiring really, but the # of positions would be in the 30's or 40's.
I suspect people with a degree in computer science or applied mathematics tend to be on average better programmers than people who claim to be programmers who don't have those degrees. But the bar set by simply having a degree is so incredibly far from the level that you'd want out of your technical lead that it's not much of a useful metric.
Typing seems even odder. Doubly so where I live as they don't teach folks in school here to touch-type. These days I'd suspect that typing speed is probably more correlated to the speed with which one sends IMs than how fast they code.
Really, if your hiring requirements are "a guy with a degree that types quickly" you're going to find yourself pretty quickly up shit creek.
> average better programmers than people who claim to be programmers who don't have those degrees.
I doubt that. Further more a person with a degree has on the average a higher intelligence than a person without. Also, most degrees have language requirements and subjects that at least ensures that the person has a basic grasp of grammar and spelling.
> Typing seems even odder. Doubly so where I live as they don't teach folks in school here to touch-type.
You should at least check if a person can type. There are a lot of so called "programmers" that can not even type properly.
> Really, if your hiring requirements are "a guy with a degree that types quickly" you're going to find yourself pretty quickly up shit creek.
You constructed a straw man – no where did I suggest you should only use these metrics – my suggestion was that it made sense to hire/contract a programmer to help you make the hiring decision.
I think this is the third time this article of mine gets up to the top of HN. The first time was when it was slashdotted and that's when I found out about HN. Second time was this past summer.
Maybe I should write an updated version of it...
On the other hand, I'd like to add a disclaimer for those reading this article for the first time:
I wrote this a year and a half ago. My ideas on the topic are clearer and can probably be better explained now. So it's worth considering that when you say "this blogger believes blah blah blah", "this blogger" does not exist anymore. I've moved on and if I write this article again (which I may well do), I'll be sure to make it far more convincing than I was able to 18 months ago.
Btw: My new blog, which you've probably seen recently, is http://danieltenner.com . If I post an updated version of this article, it will appear on my new blog, not on inter-sections.
Well, if you have any insights into hiring for non-programming positions, it would be welcome in the next version. On HN it's probably more needed then the original article.
The answer is obvious: the businesspeople should learn to hack.
My boss is a pure business guy. He didn't rise up from the ranks to become the boss; he's run multiple startups, and each time he's served as a "business guy," not a hacker.
Yet despite this he knows enough about every facet of his business that you can explain to him a subtle bug in our software or an algorithm involving frequency transforms--and he'll understand you. The power of this is incredible; while it takes a good amount of effort to be familiar with the technical aspects of the business, it gives so many benefits--from the obvious (the hackers trust you more and are more likely to give you the accurate lowdown on any situation or proposal) to the less obvious (you can recognize good hackers better).
Recently, he wrote a very complex threading patch that dealt with all sorts of race conditions for a program that, while part of our business, he had never touched before.
Being a "business type" does not justify being clueless about the technical aspects of your business.
Recently, he wrote a very complex threading patch that dealt with all sorts of race conditions for a program that, while part of our business, he had never touched before.
Sorry, but that kind of super-hero is a very, very rare breed. When did he learn about multithreaded programming? You don't just pick that up along the way anyhow.
Honestly your story sounds more like a Hacker who turned business-guy a while ago than a business-guy who magically accumulated hacker skills.
> Sorry, but that kind of super-hero is a very, very rare breed.
First start-up success is very rare as well, so perhaps it should follow that it involves a rare breed of people.
As for multi-threaded programming-- that is one skill that universities generally teach well as a part of undergraduate computer science programs (although I can only speak for mine). It's also generally about recognizing patterns (consumer/producer problem, dining philosopher problems) and being able to see them irrespective of the implementation (I first began playing with POSIX threads before college, learned the formal concepts in a class which used Solaris threads and am now working through Doug Lea's book about concurrency in Java: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/cp/).
There are many people who go into MBA and JD programs with CS and EE undergraduate degrees (it's excellent preparation in the sense that it's a lot of brain gymnastic; statistics also show many undergraduate engineer majors also go on to medical school as well). So one may not necessarily be a hacker (they don't code for fun) but have a CS education -- or they may even be a hacker (they do code for fun) without being a professional developer (they've never worked in a software engineering organization).
Incidentally, I can describe people that fit all of those molds (many CEOs of big companies generally fit the "has a technical undergraduate background, climbed the technical ladder at big-co, got an MBA and switched to management or sales" pattern; start-up founders frequently fit the "worked on Wall-Street by day, coded for fun by night" pattern).
First start-up success is very rare as well, so perhaps it should follow that it involves a rare breed of people.
I didn't say all his startups were successful ;)
His third (I think) startup, the current one, is quite successful though, and he hopes to be able to sell it for at least a billion eventually. Current estimated valuation is a quarter of a billion with at least 50m in VC (don't know the exact numbers). About ~60 employees.
On the topic of the GP post: you talk about a "businessperson who magically acquired hacker skills"--but is it somehow more likely to have a "hacker who magically acquires businessperson skills"?
Yes, I do think it is more likely, because "businessperson skills" are skills that an observant and intelligent person might pick up in the normal course of his life, for example, arithmetic.
I think business is very simple. Profit. Loss. Take the sales, subtract the costs, you get this big positive number. The math is quite straightforward. - Bill Gates
Then there's negotiation/persuasion/deal-making/people skills. Most people engage in activities involving variations of those everyday. You'd almost have to be a hermit to avoid picking up some people skills. While some hackers may halfway fit that description, I doubt that most do.
Acquiring hacker skills, OTOH, involves rather more specialized effort.
This isn't rocket science, and programmers aren't special. Programming is a deep technical skill, just like many others, and the way you hire for those types of positions if you don't understand them is to rely on the judgment of others who do. These people helping you evaluate technical candidates don't have to be employees, by the way. They could be, but they could also be your friends, family members, advisors, colleagues from a former job, etc., etc. Just calling a programmers past employers and managers is a good start.
You can also intuit something about someone's technical skills by looking at the types of places they've worked for. Some guy who has hacked together fifty is likely not as technically skilled as someone who worked at Google and Facebook. That's not a full-proof test, obviously, but there isn't a full-proof test here, even if you are a programmer.
"This isn't rocket science, and programmers aren't special. "
I agree completely.
" Programming is a deep technical skill, just like many others, and the way you hire for those types of positions if you don't understand them is to rely on the judgment of others who do."
Exactly! This is the central point. This is how I (as a programmer) would find a good lawyer or doctor or helicopter pilot from large numbes of doctors or lawyers or pilots with similair sounding degrees and other "indicators", for example.
I am just not convinced of the whole idea of using "indicators" as a substitute for the above. It is not so much that any indicators are wrong in themselves , but that unless I have someone who knows how to use those indicators correctly.
Now I don't know anyone who can help me with the judging , I could go with a list of "common sense" indicators and take my chances. I have serious doubts on how much this will succeed in picking an exceptional doctor/lawyer/pilot etc.
1) Does the programmer _complete_ interesting programming projects in their spare time?
2) Can the programmer explain something mildly technical such that you, the business guy, can understand?
3) A test: push the programmer a bit. Act as if you don't understand something and be a bit rude. If the programmer does anything except listen to you and patiently try to help you then he/she is no-hire.
If the programmer doesn't complete interesting projects in their spare time they don't have enough passion for programming.
If he/she can't explain something clearly it's highly likely they can't communicate with business folks effectively in general hence they're not going to be effective at the job.
There's a lot of angry programmers. If the programmer becomes visibly annoyed or angry during an interview you've found yourself a no-hire. Angry programmers destroy morale very quickly.
That's my opinion on how to find "good" programmers. Keep in mind the percentage of "good" programmers who will be a good fit for your business is small. This is where respectful drilling of technical matters is appropriate. This part of the interview is completed by a _technical_ employee. Remember that lots of good programmers can fail technical interviews because they just don't know the particular technology.
1) I have completed some. I have started many more than I completed. More of my energy goes into making sure I complete projects I am actually getting payed for. Also, I could say that it was complete any time I wanted, but what fun would that be?
2) Good point.
3) If someone pushes me rudely then I am going to get mad at them and they will know it because I am human and I have every right to get angry. I don't like to put up a front. This is why I'm a programmer and not a salesperson, executive, or someone who's job it is to be two-faced. Does that mean I won't continue to try to help a rude person that genuinely needs help and that is not just trying to manipulate me? No, but that's a different situation.
4) If they become angry or annoyed because you were deliberately rude like you suggested above, then it doesn't make sense to eliminate them for that reason. If you were polite and human and ordinary conversation angered them, then that is a red flag that no one needs you to point out.
5) I have a feeling if I interviewed with you for more than thirty seconds I would come off as another one of your angry programmers, because I would be at that point.
6) Respectful drilling of technical matters: i.e. programming languages and API pop-quizzes? "Respectful" drilling? What does a verbal pop-quiz have to do with programming? What about this part: do your existing programmers and managers like the person?
What is your name so I can avoid ever working for you?
Perhaps a 1) could be better served with asking a programmer why they started said interesting programming project. If they started a project for the specific purpose of learning a particular skill and they've already learned it, it would make no sense for them to complete it, I think.
For example, I once started a bittorrent client in C just to learn how to use sockets and pthreads in C as well as understand the bittorrent protocol. While I never completed it (what would have been the point? there are already way too many out there and I did not have a unique take on the idea), I did accomplish what I set out to do.
I am certainly not a good programmer, and using this logic, you might hire me. So your list isn't perfect; however, I suspect that it's pretty good. The basic problem is that it won't distinguish between people who are really enthusiastic about computers and genuine good programmers. The difference between these two groups is probably really obvious in a field like chess (lots of people who are enthusiastic about chess are still terrible,) but it might be harder to notice in a knowledge-based field like programming.
That's a very good point, but you're forgetting about the "hidden projects" indicator. That should help prove that the "candidate" is not only enthusiastic, but also capable. Someone who has a bunch of open source projects going is likely to be able to deliver as well as talk the talk.
I've been both on the programming and business side, and done a little hiring. Pretty much the only indicator I can always apply is projects done outside of paid work.
I start with the usual "reverse a linked list" stuff or easier, go through education and work experience, play the whole game, but the thing that really does it for me is that he learns erlang in his free time, or has a self-made javascript game on his home page (if he's a web developer) or whatever. It only has to be completely non-paid non-contracted work. Then of course I look at the source code, but the decision is already half made.
There is a much longer list of things that disqualify a candidate. Anything Entreprise, any formal certifications outside college, personality (yes, I discriminate. I like working with people I like working with, apparently). But a checklist for a good programmer, I doubt it can be applied successfully.
edit: * entreprise = using oracle for mom&pop shops, not working in big companies. Sounds obvious, but it's sadly too common mindset to use the most expensive/complicated solution instead of the cheapes/simplest, to the point that just hearing "entreprise" turns me off.
If you know a good technical person you trust, ask them to help. If you don't, go make some technical friends.
I've been helping screen technical people for friend's companies for a while now. My friends trust me to determine if someone is the right fit for the role, technically. I'm too busy on my own projects to work for/with my friends full time, but I can spend an hour or two doing phone screens, interviews, reading resumes, etc... Some of them even pay me for it:)
There's no magic formula that lets you (a business guy) figure out who's great, who's really green, who's full of crap, etc... It can't be done. You have to rely on a web of trust, using your friends.
The bit about a good programmer knowing a lot of unrelated technologies is entirely off-base, IMO. Better to specialize in one area and be the best you can be at that than spend your time learning a lot of technologies you will never use, just for the sake of knowing them. I do think knowing more than one language is a definite plus, but keeping them all related makes perfect sense (a web stack, a java stack, etc.).Even great programmers who are infinitely passionate about what they do aren't going to enjoy every programming language out there, just by virtue of it being a programming language.
There's one test I recommend to my semi-technical fellows:
Give a small practical problem to solve and see what the other person comes up with. For instance you could ask prospective employee to hack together a small app or a script to do something or anything you can understand and think is solvable with technology.
The great part of this test is that most of the time slackers just don't even attempt it. For those who give a shot, you can look at certain behavioral patterns using your softskills. For a non-techie judge, you won't be able to analyze the quality of design but the end result also says a lot.
I think the list is helpful and the comments suggesting that non-technical folks have no chance to hire good hackers seems to be contradicted by facts. FedEx and Walmart have amazing technical systems and have become industry leaders because of them, but both were founded and grown by business folks. Disney, Bank of America, and most of the other Fortune 500 have retained their positions by building strong technical organizations largely from scratch. Good sales people, ops folks, and hackers are always going to be hard to find.
This is like a football coach asking how to recognize good players. If you are asking, you probably shouldn't be working on something where programming is central to your success.
It's pretty hard (even if you are a great programmer). If you are looking to find a great programmer who's available long-term, hire someone who's PROVABLY great and available short-term to do the interviews/search for you. Think Stroustrup or Stepanov if you are looking for C++ programmers. RMS or Steele if you are looking for Lisp programmers, etc.
For every good programmer I know, I know many more who are total bozos who claim to be great and are thought by some to be great.
The obvious answer is to hold a bake off. Narrow down the programmers to a set you want to try out (for this you can use rough measures - SAT scores and experience listed on resume). Give them all a few days to implement a non-trivial part of the app you want built. Then hire the best.
Why not just give them different parts. The last guy you interview you give the task of putting together the different pieces, and then you have your finished application. Of course you should also interview QA people so they can find the problems with what they other guys did...
Aside from that just being a very dishonest way to conduct business, you'd spend all your time organizing people who are working together who don't know they are working together. Even if you could manage that, you'd have no way of assembling the finished components into a working application, and there is just no way you could find someone capable of handling that task that was also foolish enough to think such a complex operation would be part of a job screening process conducted by a person incapable of knowing if it's done well or not. In fact, it's very unlikely you'd fool any experienced developers they'd quickly deduce that you don't know enough about the code to judge it's quality.
The end result would be a pile of code that wouldn't work and you'd have no way of fixing it without hiring an even more exceptional programmer, who would probably tell you to throw out 90% of the work and start over.
Well, you are unlikely to get a finished application in two man weeks. You have everyone implement the same thing so you can compare apples to apples. Then you hire the best for the long term.
Assuming that works and you actually get a few decent candidates to submit solutions, how exactly do you propose that the business guy/gal selects the winner? He can't evaluate their code, he can't evaluate their design decisions... What criteria exactly do you think the business guy/gal would use to select the winner?
You would have to select a project that produces output the business user can judge. So if it's a UI, the business user can make sure all the parts are functional, the load times speedy, the edge cases handled, etc.
Defining edge cases without technical knowledge is problematic, load times are meaningless without load testing, so basically all you'll know is if the code works, and that is a very low bar to set especially for a startup.
And even if you could do all these things without technical knowledge at best you'll be able to weed out the mediocre, never find the best.
Yep, that's just what I was thinking. You could even have existing members of your team implement it, to make sure you weren't diluting them by hiring worse programmers.
This is better than just hiring an MCSE, but, having dabbled in open source software, I've seen a lot of WTF-worthy code written by people who would fulfill all of those criteria (well, I couldn't honestly say whether you could hold a conversation with them).
Is there any such thing as a headhunter who is also a hacker? That would probably be the best solution for the MBA-types, short of taking a few years to learn to hack themselves.
You don't.
You can't.
As PG wrote in "Great Hackers":
I've seen occasional articles about how to manage programmers. Really there should be two articles: one about what to do if you are yourself a programmer, and one about what to do if you're not. And the second could probably be condensed into two words: give up.
> There are many, many examples of successful technical teams organized by people without deep relevant technical expertise.
And there are many many more that are complete disasters. As they say, a blind pig occasionally finds an acorn.
> All this PHB stereotyping around here is just arrogant vanity.
Actually, it's experience.
The interesting difference is that technical folk don't claim any particular skill in the domain of PHBs but the PHBs claim incredible skill in technical domains.
If both are correct, there's something interesting going on, but let's see some evidence.
Calling people out is an important part of a healthy, critical discussion focused on the exchange of ideas. I might not share someone's opionion, but I aplaud fighting against groupthink.
>> All this PHB stereotyping around here is just arrogant vanity.
> Actually, it's experience.
Both sides of this discussion have pointed to ethereal "examples", "experience" without giving any meat. Show the evidence - empirical or anecdotal - to support your opinion.
Now you're escalating to a physical challenge. Like I said, playground.
> is an important part of a healthy, critical discussion
Actually, it isn't. In fact, calling someone out is one of the best indicators that "healty, critical discussion" isn't anywhere near.
>>> All this PHB stereotyping around here is just arrogant vanity.
>> Actually, it's experience.
>Show the evidence - empirical or anecdotal - to support your opinion.
If you haven't read the other posts, citing them won't make any difference. If you have and still think that there's no evidence, citing them won't make any difference.
>> Let's see some evidence.
>Let's see some evidence from your side too.
For what? I wrote that technical people don't believe that they're good at evaluating biz people. Which part of that is under dispute?
You seem to believe that biz people are good at evaluating technical people. The sole piece of evidence is that there are successful teams "led" by biz people, but that doesn't imply that said biz people evaluated the technical people.
This idea that there is no history of business types starting technical businesses seems so silly. It is well beyond the "blind squirrel finding a nut". A great manager can assemble a great team and the world of successful companies show that.
EA - Trip Hawkins was a business guy, but somehow they dominate software.
eHarmony - A good sized web based business with a doc at the helm.
McDonalds - Everytime you order a big mac anywhere in the world a bun, patty, slice of cheese, two pickles and a squirt of ketchup come out of inventory.
All of the airlines - May not lead to great business results, but they certainly know software.
And of course these from my earlier comment:
Bank of America
For all the people who think it is impossible for non-hackers to hire a hacker, why don't you comb through the Fortune 500 and prove your point, or write a program to do so.
> This idea that there is no history of business types starting technical businesses seems so silly.
What's silly is the strawmen that are being thrown around. No one is arguing that biz types can't start/lead tech biz.
The claim is that the vast majority of non-tech people can't usefully evaluate tech people in time to do any good.
It's not unlike the complementary situation, technical people evaluating non-technical people.
As I pointed out, if tech people can't evaluate non-tech and non-tech can evaluate tech, something interesting is going on.
But, let's ask the question - do non-tech people think that tech people can evaluate non-tech people? If so, why do tech people think otherwise? If not, but non-tech can evaluate tech people, why the difference?
> EA - Trip Hawkins was a business guy, but somehow they dominate software.
Hawkins also always has a tech partner.
The same can be said for every other company on the list.
Agreed. The fact remains that it is possible to be a business person AND a hacker. And you dont have to be that great at either to hire experts on either side.
For example, you could be primarily business with a little hacking, and that would make you qualified enough to hire good hackers.
On the other side, I'd love to see an article about hackers hiring salespeople. I somehow doubt most hackers would see themselves as absolute idiots at finding a good salesperson, they would just be new to it the first couple times.
Its not how you categorize yourself, its how you approach the problem, and your ability to research/network/analyze. This should be true REGARDLESS of what you are hiring for.
If I weren't technical I would go to a local university. I would contract someone who is well published in something with a combination of math and computer science to screen my hires for people he would consider for his lab, and assume that from there I could tell the difference.
I suspect that math is hard for bozos, but I actually know tenured CS professors who are total bozos at programming, and probably shouldn't be listened to even regarding minor issues. Publishing fluff papers, going to conferences, writing grant proposals and politicking is all they are good for.
This will probably not make it above the noise in the thread but I think the following would be useful:
- You would ideally have at least one person who you trust who is a coder who you can show source code samples, previous work, etc., for a quality assessment.
- Previous business references are valuable, as only so much of the overall usefulness of the person comes from raw coding ability -- there may be other habits, personality characteristics, etc., that (good or bad) might influence the decision.
- I highly recommend starting out a new coder with a simple contract project so that you can assess her ability to communicate, work toward a goal, etc. You should probably pay whatever the coder thinks is fair, b/c this is not a bidding war exercise. You mainly want to see about work habits, style, compatibility with the existing team, productivity, etc. By doing this you are giving both parties (yourself and the programmer) a chance to feel each other out and determine if it's a good fit. This can even be done as a part-time project while the programmer is still employed elsewhere, reducing risk for everyone involved.
- Things like blogs, open source contributions, etc., are nice, but I think of them as a hobby and unless you're thinking of hiring one of the few very well known luminaries in a software community, the fact that your prospective hire has a blog is probably not all that indicative of superstar qualities.
- Character traits like tinkering are great too, but just because someone is focused on a main task and doesn't tinker with each new thing that comes along doesn't mean she's somehow a worse programmer than the tinkerer who writes something in every new framework, etc. I have known great coders with both characteristics and I think the bottom line is that good coders know what's out there and can easily help you evaluate it for your business, even if they didn't spend the past 5 weekends hacking out a side project in erlang -- unless of course you truly end up wanting to use erlang, at which point their side project was a great investment that cost you nothing. However, most skilled coders could read up on erlang and catch up in about a week, so we're not talking about all that much overall productivity.
- I'd beware of coders who prefer highly complex solutions to problems -- in a business scenario sometimes a less elegant, easily understood solution is ideal.
- I'd beware of coders who are unwilling to adapt to your demand for quality. Perhaps you don't need 3000 lines of test code for an internal whiteboard app. It's good to find a coder you can trust to make the right call, but some are very unconcerned with your budget and timeline and may not realize where the rubber meets the road from a business perspective.
Any hire is going to be a relationship and hiring a coder is not too different from hiring a business person. You need to establish trust and confidence. Frank and clear communication is key to this. The coder should not think of you as a "suit" and you should not think of her as a geek. Ultimately the reason anyone is getting paid is because it's a business and that requires judicious use of tradeoffs.
> How do you recognise good programmers if you’re a business guy?
Simple. Ask someone who knows. If you don't know anyone who knows, you might want to reevaluate whether you should be getting into the tech industry.
As for the arrogance thing - look at Brin/Page, Ellison and Gates, etc. - all hackers. When a "business" guy's achievements in the hacker space outdo these hackers' achievements in the business world, be sure to let me know.
Being a self-important egomaniac is one of the most common qualities of people who start their own businesses. Is that what you were detecting in my tone? Well, you're very observant.
That being said, the arrogance displayed in many of the comments on this thread and others like it is one of the things I dislike most here. There's this pervasive attitude that hackers > businesspeople, and while it's ridiculous for a business guy to think he can hire a programmer (or be of much value to one), you never see articles about how hackers are helpless without business people or how a hacker would have no idea how to hire a marketing or sales guy (and shouldn't even try).
Maybe I'm overreacting because I'm one of those who straddle the line, but this kind of arrogance serves no one.