Yes, we guarantee funding for all patients on our site by leaving profiles posted until they are fully funded. Also, we give our partners permission to pre-treat a patient in the event they need immediate care, so long as we've already accepted the profile. We then reimburse the partner for the cost of treatment once the profile is fully funded. In the event we have more profiles than we can fund (never been the case so far) we will accept and post the lowest-cost, highest-impact profiles first. However, we can do a pretty good job of avoiding this situation by growing our partners (and thus our volume of potential patients) at a rate that corresponds with the speed at which donor demand is increasing.
If your doctors do "pre-treat" patients, please be very careful! If patients are regularly pre-treated, then the 1:1 connection between donor and patient could be seen as less pure (if the surgery already happened, it isn't 100% clear that the users' donations funded that specific surgery - as opposed to just being a general donation to a Medical Partner's operating budget).
It's really important to disclose the date of any surgeries. And if a surgery has been performed prior to the profile being fully funded (or even prior to posting), the date of the surgery should be displayed and the profile should be labeled as pre-treated.
Just want to make sure you guys avoid some of the growing pains of Kiva! (I used to run Marketing over there for a bunch of 2010/2011.) Good luck!