Seems interesting, but I was tasked with integrating several analytics packages at my last startup and it certainly didn't take months to do. All I did was write a few javascript wrapper functions and stick the various mapping in there:
function track(event, category, options) {
edit: Also, I'm interested to see how eager startups are to add yet another $150/mo to their analytics bill when nearly every service starts at that level... While it may not sound like a lot of money, a few analytics engines can add up really fast, especially for a bootstrapped company.
It's brutal and tedious to add non Google things to track to their Tag Manager. Feels like an engineering written tool,'s "flip the switches" is way better for the people that use these types of tools, ie marketers.
Hmmm...I'm not an engineer and I love Google Tag Manager. It's not the most intuitive interface, but after a few hours, I can't imagine ever managing scripts anyway else. No need to bug my CTO just to add a conversion pixel? Heck yeah.
If you're looking for another free service that's kinda in between Tag Manager and, we built "Add This Script" ( that lets you choose from more than just analytics scripts so you can include jQuery or Facebook widgets and manage that all in one place. We add new services every week or so.
We're also working on some dependency management stuff so you can include jQuery UI and it'll automatically pull in jQuery, for example.
My favorite feature is I can now use ghostery to block just and i can block ALL the trackers they use! Including any new services that pop up that ghostery doesn't know about yet!
function track(event, category, options) {
}edit: Also, I'm interested to see how eager startups are to add yet another $150/mo to their analytics bill when nearly every service starts at that level... While it may not sound like a lot of money, a few analytics engines can add up really fast, especially for a bootstrapped company.