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So, there's Amazon Redshift (which is cloud-postgres) https://aws.amazon.com/redshift/

and now there's Clustrix (which is cloud-mysql)

Redshift is a column-store database for big analytics workloads and has a lot of very big established competitors, though the cloud space for that is mostly startups. There's a number of products that are really storage backends for postgres, or use its SQL parsing frontend.

What's different about Clustrix compared to all the other distributed databases branding themselves as "NewSQL" is that it's intended for totally traditional OLTP workloads (though it can distribute OLAP queries across the cluster too as a bonus).

Disclaimer: I work there

In case you were saying Redshift is literally PostgreSQL, it appears it's actually ParAccel:


ParAccel, Neteeza, Greenplum and Vertica all owe some measure of their roots to PostgreSQL (the GP binary is still called `postgres`).

Development of parallel query execution in PostgreSQL proper has been stagnant for quite a while unfortunately: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Parallel_Query_Execution

"Development of parallel query execution in PostgreSQL proper has been stagnant for quite a while unfortunately"

To clarify, this is related to the parallel execution of a single query. PostgreSQL has been making huge improvements scaling to many cores when there are many concurrent queries.

Even for single queries, postgres has been chipping away at the edges by moving more tasks to background processes.

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