Together with increased cloud elasticity we'll have to have a much more accurate billing scheme based on fractions of a second usage, the vendors of cloud services will have to address that as well as the actual performance issues.
At some point you'll see for instance web based applications that fire up a cloud hosted vm per user session, much like you see an httpd process fired handling a single request right now, there will be no 'database' per se for 'your' data, just your VM for that app on ice somewhere when not in use.
This cloud thing is only just beginning, and even though it is the worst abused buzzword of the moment I think in the long run it really is the future of computing for everything that is geared towards services.
At some point you'll see for instance web based applications that fire up a cloud hosted vm per user session, much like you see an httpd process fired handling a single request right now, there will be no 'database' per se for 'your' data, just your VM for that app on ice somewhere when not in use.
This cloud thing is only just beginning, and even though it is the worst abused buzzword of the moment I think in the long run it really is the future of computing for everything that is geared towards services.