These folks don't appear to understand the health insurance market: if you have ongoing medical conditions, basically none of these options will be available to you at these premium levels.
Insurers underwrite applicants in the individual market, meaning that for someone with preexisting medical conditions, these options will either:
1. Simply not be offered (they will deny you coverage)
2. Offer coverage, but exclude coverage of any preexisting conditions (usually for at least 6 months)
3. Charge a much higher premium rate than those shown here
Not to be harsh, but this analysis is dangerously misleading. Do they have domain knowledge of this area?
Based on the description, it sounds like they're purchasing for themselves (founders purchasing individually, not pooling into a small group plan for a company).
Insurers underwrite applicants in the individual market, meaning that for someone with preexisting medical conditions, these options will either:
1. Simply not be offered (they will deny you coverage)
2. Offer coverage, but exclude coverage of any preexisting conditions (usually for at least 6 months)
3. Charge a much higher premium rate than those shown here
Not to be harsh, but this analysis is dangerously misleading. Do they have domain knowledge of this area?