And then they die, and the estate doesn't know what the F they want to do with the IP and doesn't want to bother sorting it out, and it (legally) never sees the light of day thereafter. Copyrights EXPIRE for a reason. There isn't anyone (not in Hollywood, not in Congress, nowhere) that says copyrights should never, ever expire. It's a question of when.
Actually, Sonny wanted the term of copyright protection to last
forever. I am informed by staff that such a change would violate
the Constitution. ... As you know, there is also [then-MPAA president]
Jack Valenti's proposal for term to last forever less one day. Perhaps
the Committee may look at that next Congress.
Good finds. However, whether some people want that really isn't pertinent.
Sure, some creative people would like infinite copyright. Me, I'd like a pet giraffe.
The question is should society spend lots of money and effort providing me with a giraffe and Mary Bono with indefinite copyright?
Imagine talking to your next-door neighbor and saying "this is why you should chip in for the cost to enforce copyright forever". Can you do it? Will your neighbor really benefit?
Fine, make it so they have to be renewed every year, but can be renewed ad infinitum.
But that's not the actual debate about copyright that is taking place in society. In other words, the problem you're talking about is not the actual issue.
So someone should be rewarded just for being born into a family that happens to own the rights to a certain popular piece of content? Even if they themselves never did anything either creatively or in terms of hard work in their lives?
Aren't you just suggesting a tax free way of passing money between generations of a family (as current inheritance is subject to taxation)?
Also doesn't this kind of thing just discourage the creation of new artistic works? If there are tons of big popular individuals and companies, then how is the little guy meant to make a splash?
Please explain to me how many dollars I should personally chip in each year for the cost of running courts to protect your copyright claims, and what benefit I will get in return.