"Pop genre" is mostly things that would get their own section at the record store.
Country / western and pre-pop jazz aren't new, but they're definitely pop. Pop became jazz and country came around about 90 years ago. Broadway's even older. The rest on your list I think non-controversially have African American roots.
Probably a reasonable definition of "new" is everything post-widespread-phonograph since genres started working different culturally once the primary way of listening to music shifted from live to recorded.
> The rest on your list I think non-controversially have African American roots.
There are two lists, separated by "vs".
I'm responding to a claim that almost all American pop genres came from AA roots. I disputed that claim by providing two lists, the first for "not AA" vs the second for "AA". The number of elements in the first is comparable to the number of elements in the second.
What counts as a "new pop genre" and what definition of "virtually all" are we using?
Country/Western, Broadway, pre-rock pop vs Jazz, R&B/Soul, Gospel, Rap, Hip-hop