Nope. The big question seems to be what forward protection we have against potential obsolescence/abandonment of the format/platform.
OTOH, the basic format is just HTML3 shoved into an old-school Palm database (.pdb) format (!). There's some sort of encryption/DRM/whatever on top of that.
That's one reason I'd like to get a hardcopy as well as the digital -- the unlikeliness that the digital copy would be remotely portable without cracking the foramt.
That said, I don't entirely care about that aspect. I doubt I'll lug my Kindle library around from ebook reader to ebook reader, but I'd probably be more likely to buy a Kindle here and now if it would initially piggie-back on top of my current reading/buying habits, instead of trying to change my whole chain of expectations and behaviors in one fell swoop..
OTOH, the basic format is just HTML3 shoved into an old-school Palm database (.pdb) format (!). There's some sort of encryption/DRM/whatever on top of that.