When I was 14, you couldn't just go buy a "personal computer", as the minicomputer revolution was underway. So, I had to build my own computer... and I did. (I think I started at 13, and finished at 15).
When I say, I built my computer, I mean I designed a PCB, laid it out, etched it, assembled it, then needed to build a display board to output to a TV, which was another several months of design, etc. And when I had all that... then I had to start writing some sort of software for it! (EG: I had to write software, build an EPROM programmer (because they were expensive) burn EPROMS ..... all to get to the point where I could start working on making an implementation of BASIC!
So, when people complain that "kids can't hack on iPhones" ... well, I think its silly. You buy a Mac and you get a fantastic IDE and development platform for free, etc.
To the OP: Congrats on making your game! It looks very professional. Keep at it!
Oh the day I made spectrum joystick interface all on my own as a kid! I enjoyed that more than playing games subsequently. OP enjoy being a kid, the more you learn, the less your thinking is unbounded! Never forget that.
Having to build a computer (with your definition of building, of course) as a young kid... God, that's the only Heaven I want. After those two years you can send me to Hell.
Why, when I was a young programmer we had to write the code in the
snow with our pee, and a compiler was just a word for the pilot of the
hovering dirigible that read the instructions and passed them to the
ALU, which was another fellow with an abacus. They would wrap the results around a rock, and drop it on my house when the program would
exit. We had to walk uphill...
Or you use Visual Studio Express C# which is free.
Visual Studio (payed) combines all tools, all languages together and works with git, sourcesafe and many, many things more.
Or if you're a startup, you can receive all Windows stuff for free ;) (so you don't have to pay)
When I say, I built my computer, I mean I designed a PCB, laid it out, etched it, assembled it, then needed to build a display board to output to a TV, which was another several months of design, etc. And when I had all that... then I had to start writing some sort of software for it! (EG: I had to write software, build an EPROM programmer (because they were expensive) burn EPROMS ..... all to get to the point where I could start working on making an implementation of BASIC!
So, when people complain that "kids can't hack on iPhones" ... well, I think its silly. You buy a Mac and you get a fantastic IDE and development platform for free, etc.
To the OP: Congrats on making your game! It looks very professional. Keep at it!