it is amazing you think of it as cheating. if these guys really wanted to cheat we would just max out the extra 25 gigs and get it. We had already gotten 15 gigs legitimately. We aren't insulting the goodwill of Dropbox, we just think its fun to be atop the list despite having a student body of a 5th of what the other universities have. It is also classic tongue in cheek that Ben Bitdiddle and Alyssa Hacker were atop the list. This was a benign prank and was done mostly to amuse. More than the hack itself it was just the timing that makes this hack memorable. It was hardly a non-trivial hack. MIT was leading the space race a few days ago, and then we exhausted our student body and i find it more amusing than desperate to come back in the lead like this. And you know what, somewhere in the offices of dropbox drew and arash are probably smiling profusely and proud of their alma mater.
Automation, spoofing and security breaking tools are improving all the time. It's important that it's security researchers (and students) who are driving the arms race, not the criminal element.
Is it cheating? I'd imagine so, but I'd need to see the rules to make sure. Is it a hack? By my standards, it definitely has hack value [1].
I'm representing another school in the Space Race, but I smiled when I visited and saw MIT back at the top of the leaderboard (with less space racers than the previous leader). I couldn't wait to read how they did it. With a smaller student body, they needed to be clever to "win".
I tend to think the space race as a very smart viral campaign. The space is not free; it lasts only for two years, and then you have to start paying for it.
Dropbox initiated the Space Race as a gesture of goodwill to students, and it's hard to fathom how or why people won't receive it in the same vein.