Ignoring a potentially wanted return value with ";" is a hazard. I'd like to institute some set of "warn-unused-result" warnings in Rust to combat this.
This is correct for any "normal" (a.k.a. "item level") function, since their signatures must always be explicit. But you're allowed to infer the signatures of closures, which is the only place where this problem could arise.
// This function lives at the top level of the module, so its types must be annotated
fn foo(bar: int) -> int {
// Here's a closure without type annotations:
let baz = |qux| { qux + 1 };
// And a closure with type annotations:
let baz = |qux: int| -> int { qux + 1 };
// Which means that this would be a compile-time error:
let baz = |qux: int| -> int { qux + 1; }; // returning nil, but expected int
// But if you expect this to return int, then there are very few cases where
// this might not be a compile-time error:
let baz = |qux| { qux + 1; };
log(error, baz(bar)); // will print "()", but did you want bar + 1?
io::println(fmt!("%?", baz(bar))); // same as previous
io::println(fmt!("%d", baz(bar))); // this one *is* a compile-time error
// macros ftw
baz(bar); // this will also be a compile-time error
In Rust, nil is the name for the unit type (written as empty parentheses, like "()"), used whenever a function doesn't return anything meaningful. You're correct in that instead of null pointers it has the None variant of the Option enum.