Would love to know how many times of those attempted emulator launches didn't actually fail ;) I tried to use your site repeatedly but it failed each time.
Came here to say this. Haven't been back to try it yet either. Hopefully this postmortem post gets some of those folks to remember the service, try again, and have it work.
UPDATE: I was able to successfully run the emulator without a problem today. It's very impressive IMO and can see why they received so many sign-ups.
If you struggled to use Manymo or are otherwise not keen to sign up but are still interested, check out this video I found on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TXiDPlc3Fg .. basically a live 5 minute presentation/tour of how it works.
that sounds about right. I had an article that made it to the front page of HN about a month ago, and it was 25k hits and about 5% of what I'd call real visits, ie people who stayed long enough to read the piece.
I was able to launch an actual instance today.
It's basically a VNC in my browser. Of course you need some kind of streaming for the graphics content. But why do you have to stream the control button sets, too?! My browser is very capable of displaying buttons. It just gives a very terrible feeling if you have the buttons slooowly change their background as you hover over them.