"take some simple steps to ensure that you don't bork your site"
unborked[.com] is currently available.
A site dedicated to stopping all of the borking going on out there.
I think some cheap, simple sql dumps from the db, burned to an external HD and taken home would've been a good first step -- your data would be dated but somehow restorable nonetheless without the need for off-site, replicated, heart-beat monitored databases.
IMHO you really need an expert database admin (of which I am not) to get all of this up and keep all of it going; a caretaker who's only job in life is the maintenance of any and all persisted data.
On another note, backups are really useless unless you have actually tested the restores.
unborked[.com] is currently available.
A site dedicated to stopping all of the borking going on out there.
I think some cheap, simple sql dumps from the db, burned to an external HD and taken home would've been a good first step -- your data would be dated but somehow restorable nonetheless without the need for off-site, replicated, heart-beat monitored databases.
IMHO you really need an expert database admin (of which I am not) to get all of this up and keep all of it going; a caretaker who's only job in life is the maintenance of any and all persisted data.
On another note, backups are really useless unless you have actually tested the restores.