3 Days ago I launched hackertrackr and since that time 300 y combinator readers have submitted their information in order for other readers to find them. The problem now is how do those readers communicate with each other in a public forum? Since I launched I have received quite a few emails asking for a forums or comments feature where users can post meeting times, etc. The dilemma is how do I verify the user posting the comment is indeed the y combinator user they say they are. I see only one possible solution, but am hoping you all might be able to come up with more. If everyone would post their email address in some form of standardized format on their y combinator user info page, then I could write a script to send a password to that email address. They could then sign in to the forum section (yet to be built) on hackrtrackr with a their y combinator user name and the password provided and then switch the password to whatever they want.
Any other ideas?
Having some type of system like this would also be helpful for other people who have ideas for third party apps that are targeted toward y combinator readers.