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I like the themeing trend towards dark backgrounds and pastel colors.

I've been using Zenburn [1] for a couple years now, and I've really grown used to its unsaturated colors. 'Tomorrow' looks way too colorful for my taste, kinda like eating something too sweet after weaning yourself off sugar :)

My problem with Zenburn is that, unlike Tomorrow or Solarized, it doesn't have a good curated list of themes for various systems. I've had to hunt and peck for themes for Emacs, Konsole, Awesome, Chromium, Thunderbird, QT, GTK, and at this point would be challenged to provide a source and method for each...

[1] http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/

> 'Tomorrow' looks way too colorful for my taste, kinda like eating something too sweet after weaning yourself off sugar :)

Sing with me:

  What can make boring code
  Seem all fresh and new
  Cover it in pastels
  of both deep and light hue?

  Color highlighting
  Color highlighting can
  Color highlighting can parse every line and check that the syntax is good

"tomorrow-night-eighties" is close to zenburn.

I've used Zenburn for about 2-3 years now, and it's pretty much the most restful I've ever found. Everything sort of is in the same 'area' of the spectrum, and stands up to those multi-hour working sessions.

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