Most of the current metal printers have a wacky vendor-specific supply chain, for feedstock and also post-processing. It's not really worth it for me to buy the equipment when I need an ongoing contract for it, and it will severely drop in value / usefulness once the vendor stops supporting it.
If I build my own it's probably gonna look like a mig stinger gaffer taped to a second hand kuka ;)
I have a CNC taig and a manual mill and lathe. Like most home shops I'm stuck at 90's tech level or below.
A lot of innovation has happened in the CNC space since the 90s but not much of it seems to have trickled down :/
If I build my own it's probably gonna look like a mig stinger gaffer taped to a second hand kuka ;)
I have a CNC taig and a manual mill and lathe. Like most home shops I'm stuck at 90's tech level or below.
A lot of innovation has happened in the CNC space since the 90s but not much of it seems to have trickled down :/