It goes unmentioned because there is an unwritten rule in progressive media that marginalized groups must never be perceived as doing wrong, because that will deepen their marginalization.
In practice it creates a moral blind spot where the worst extremists get a pass, in the name of protecting the rest. Non-progressive media are all too happy to fill in the gap. Cue resentment, cue backlash, cue Trump. Way to go, guys!
conservative media has the opposite rule: make every story about a trans person into a narrative about trans ideology.
this should be a story about an ideological cult with trans members, but instead it's a story about the cult of trans ideology. it's called "nut picking" - use the worst examples of a group to tarnish the group as a whole.
a good example of this is attacks against Muslim Americans after 9/11.
It is much the same thing, yes. The reality that I have experienced is that most Trump voters are decent people who simply disagree with me on the best way to solve the issues facing our country. Not at all a pack of hate-filled Nazis. But humans love to pick on their outgroup, so people simply round "Trump supporter" off to "Nazi bigot" and never bother to reflect that they are simply giving into tribalism.
I follow the thread and can agree in large parts. But given multiple news anchors, news programs, both traditional and online, in combination with social media, content creators and late night TV, I am wholly exhausted by Trump somehow being a magical monster responsible for (just as you’ve demonstrated) in some way every ill in modern society.
If he is a narcissist and we are aware narcissists feed on attention and drama and starve in the absence of those things, shouldn’t the best version of activism against him be to deny him mention or attribution? Regardless of how cathartic it might be to openly complain? Imagine getting to the end of this next 4 years and despite what he does, nothing of note can be said about the man. Despite all the EOs, nothing interesting could be discussed. His presidency could be a footnote in history, except for the “activists” going emotionally boneless and apoplectic at every word he says.
TBF, it’s not Trump that exhausts me, it’s this. The maniacal blaming for every problem. The incessant injection of Trump and secondarily politics into every conversation and every facet of life. This…neo-activism is as caustic of a solution as the disease it attempts to inoculate. It’s as if everyone has forgetten how to problem solve in the face of adversity. A social fragility whose only method of communication is abject outrage.
The guy is passing budgetary laws without congress, has been made untouchable by the supreme court, pardoned the violent Jan 6 rioters (despite claiming to be "pro-order"), constantly scape-goats minorites and leftists, threatens war with allies, colludes with foreign fascists, is doing a thousand illegal sh*t a minute, but somehow this is no big deal and we should just ignore it.
Scrutiny and accountability for this systematic dismantling of our democracy is the only sane thing to do. You're either very blind to the gravity of the situation or extremely dishonest.
You'll note the parent didn't cite any examples of the criminality of the Biden family, despite demanding examples of things on the front page of news today.
- pardoned the violent Jan 6 rioters (despite claiming to be "pro-order")
- constantly scape-goats minorities
- colludes with foreign fascists
Im unaware of those happening and would like to see a source.
> Bringing up the "criminality of the Biden family" is a legitimately insane thing to do when defending Trump.
Most Americans preferred Trump to the previous regime, just look at the approval ratings. You’re using “insane” as a way to dismiss what most people believe without critically engaging — that they prefer Trump, for all his faults, to Biden and his influence pedaling and special treatment of his criminal son.
Now give me a source on Biden's. And it's only been two weeks, Trump's approval is bound to plumet once the tariffs kick in and stat destroying the economy, we're still supposed to be in the honey moon.
Can't you fathom me dismissing what the relative majority was led to believe about the guy, in the light of the massive evidence of his corruption, incompetency and bigotry?
You're beyond reason. Any critic of Trump is immediately "woke" and "virtue signaling".
Don't you care when he threatens war with our allies? When he praises foreign fascists? When he pardoned all Jan 6 rioters, that he previously claimed were all antifa? When he is made above the law by an obviously partisan supreme court? When he passes budgetary laws without congress with no repercussions whatsoever? When he promised that "we won't have to vote ever again"?
I was responding directly to something the person said, continuing their discussion:
> The maniacal blaming for every problem. The incessant injection of Trump and secondarily politics into every conversation and every facet of life. This…neo-activism is as caustic of a solution as the disease it attempts to inoculate.
The explanation for that is that Trump is selected to provoke that response precisely because those activists are themselves toxic people.
The last thing to do when confronted with a would-be autocrat is to shut up. That's how they consolidate their powers past the point of no returns. Clearly, with him winning the popular vote despite Jan 6, promising we'd never have to vote again, and gaining total immunity before the law, there was a big problem of communication.
Wanting to preserve democracy is not toxic, however way you want to spin it.
The other shoe has been on the verge of dropping for years. The pendulum has swung the other way, it was always going to happen. I read a comment on this forum today asking why it was relevant that the group of people in SF associated with a string of murders consisted of a majority trans people. Asked why this was a relevant point.
It’s relevant because for years and years the mainstream left has been pushing and pushing to normalize behavior that has been historically been considered deviant. I have no opinion on the matter, I don’t care at all if someone wants to make their genitalia look different than it did when they were born. Do it up.
Most males have a really fucking hard time contemplating rearranging their penis into a vagina. It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t seem right. It isn’t something that can register for most people.
Which of course lead to the situation we have now. “They don’t feel like a man/woman, they feel the opposite! They are depressed and discouraged and you MUST accept them for who they are!”
That doesn’t work. And instead of pivoting, the messaging just got louder and louder. Now we see the repercussions.
Trump was given power by people who didn’t realize they gave it to him, and they’re shellshocked.
I don’t like trump or approve of his moves. I did not vote for him. Ironically, he’s doing what he said he would do, which isn’t common amongst politicians, and he’s doing it quickly.
Why Trump won is an interesting topic. There is a mixture of reasons but I think high up there was Biden pulling out last minute and Kamala being unpopular with little time to do a campaign. She also had the backfoot of having been in power while there was inflation and support for the Gaza genocide. Therefore Trump won less then Kamala lost.
There is a subreddit dedicate to people both democrats who refused to vote, as well as Trump voters whose policies as promised would severely harm them and their family's interesf (severe as in life/death). Why did they vote against their interests.
For example anyone on any kind of benefits, or whose mum and dad are, vets or if your cousin or uncle is one, Latino, even if you are from a long line of american citizens you may have friends who are 1st gen. More generally anyone not white, male and in the top 5-10% of wealth. Because tariffs won't be good for poor people. And poor is
probably: under $1m assets.
Google trends for tariffs surged after the election. People voted on feelings. Anger, despair or some sense of "Trump means them not me" or maybe "He is successful in business so he must be good".
Unfortunately the rational thing to do often sucks eggs!
Is that your way of acknowledging you don't know anything about this?
Because trust me, this is not simple at all, and since you think it is, it just means you don't know anything about it.
This is understandable, a lot of people don't. But you should avoid posting about it, there are some VERY motivated people who post about this in every thread, and downvote, and flag. Don't be one of them, they are motivated by hate, and that's not a good place to be.
Why should I trust you? Nothing you've written here has inspired confidence in your ability to accurately report information or even understand why the people you interact with act the way they do.
In practice it creates a moral blind spot where the worst extremists get a pass, in the name of protecting the rest. Non-progressive media are all too happy to fill in the gap. Cue resentment, cue backlash, cue Trump. Way to go, guys!