Still avoiding the key point that the US has 2.5x more people per capita incarcerated than even China with all it's political prisoners - and the US legally can force these people to work against their will.
You threw shades at China for incarnating too many of it's own people, and being a key greenhouse gas emitter - both are true - I'm just pointing out that for both of those areas - the US beats China around 2:1 on a per capita basis if you look at the numbers.
The US incarceration numbers in particular are extraordinary - about 1 in 7 of the worlds prison population is in the US. I'd be interested in your opinion of why that is.
So you are trying to deflect again - and I notice you haven't address the key point - the existence of legalized enforced labour in the US.
If you dislike what China is doing then you should also be worried about what's happening in the US.