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news.ycombinator meetup - Cambridge, MA
20 points by bokonist on Aug 16, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments
We did a news.ycombinator.com meetup this past June and the turnout was great. Let's do another. It would be great to have a mix of summer ycombinator startups and people thinking of applying this October.

For a time/place, how about: Sunday, August 19th at 7 PM 1369 Coffee House in Central Square 757 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139

Leave a comment if you are interested.

Hey Bokonist,

This sounds great. I was actually planning on getting this organized myself but wanted to give the teams some time to cool off after Demo Day.

If you need any help organizing let me know (see profile). Jessica said she'd try to drop in so I'll let her know that a time has been decided. I also have the email list from the last meet-up and would be more than happy to pass that along.

This might be an opportune moment to mention the (not very active) IRC channel: #news.yc on Freenode.

incidentally, the last meet-up was organized in response to someone suggesting that news.YC set up an IRC channel

(I forgot to mention) I'm in. I'll probably drop in early to do some hacking in the coffee shop so if anyone wants to just chill and code, let me know.

Also, could the people attending tell us about themselves? It'd be great to see what kind of crowd we're going to get this time!

I graduated last May from the University of Florida and am now working in Boston for a startup that makes a web-based sports MMO. Before I took the job I applied to YC with an idea for a tool that would make administering and refactoring databases less painful, but was rejected, probably because my cofounder was still in college and intended to go back after the summer. The idea has since morphed into a web-based RDBMS designed to run on AWS.

Although I like the people I'm working with and think the company has a decent chance, ASP is rotting my brain. I'd be much happier working on the database startup if I could find a new co-founder and seed funding. I'm not planning on applying to this YC funding round since I'd rather wait six months for the next one and stay in Boston, but anyone interested in applying with me could persuade me otherwise.

I'm currently working on an app (primarily focused on photo sharing) which uses some advanced image processing techniques in a very main-stream general-consumer sort of way.

Don't know if I'll have a demo working by Sunday (need to stop reading News.YC) but I'd love to show off what I've got so far and get some feedback.

Sounds good. I just wanted to suggest Andala Coffee House nearbly because they have free WiFi in contrast to 1369.

Here's the link: http://www.yelp.com/biz/QAbqOn5VhO4k15_wfSQdvg

Theres i also Diesel Cafe in Davis Square. Much Much bigger space with lots more tables and even a pool table. Also has WiFi


Great idea, yes I'll be there. I am also looking for a co-founder before applying for winter program.

Oh...man...I'd love to. But Sunday is bad for me, have a concert after 7pm. How about Friday ?

You can't have had a news.yc meetup last June. The site wasn't launched till Feb.

I'm saving a screenshot of this comment before Paul drinks his coffee and looks at it again.

Paul, we were having news.yc meetings way before you wrote any code for news.yc...

ok I changed it to say "this past june" instead of "last June" :-)

Maybe 'in June' ?

Not sure I can make that time, but I am interested and will try to be there.

I'd like to come, although I am not planning to apply for the next cycle.

sure, come anyway

How many folks from this round are still in Boston?

great, I'll be there. although I second the vote for Andala's, as it is a block from 1369, larger, has better coffee, and free wifi.

I'll probably be there. May be a little late.

I'm interested and should be able to make it.

My partner and I will be there. Sounds great.

I'm interested and might be able to make it

I will be there also.

I'll be there.

great. Will come with my partner from Babson.



i am down.

Hey, this is Mac. I was interested in emailing you about our Synthetic Biology seminar lunches, but your email address is bouncing (kovasb@gmail.com...) what's the best way to contact you?

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