>You could just, you know, choose not be logged in with facebook. Im not.
This utterly misses the point. This is not about being logged into Facebook or
not. I don't have a Facebook account I could be logged into, and they still
try to track me (if they could, and wouldn't be shitlisted by at least 4
different filters, that is).
Facebook has no business with me. They can - and should have to - stay the
fuck out of my life. The same goes for the other billions of people who don't
have a Facebook account and hopefully won't get one.
And even if you are logged into Facebook, that still gives them no right to
track you. Privacy is an inalienable right that you cannot give away by signing
up for a Facebook account.
>And as for tracking cookies: every website has them to some extend.
That's not an argument, that's a lame excuse. Everyone needs to stop this
shit. There's no justification for it. And no, targeted ads are not a
justification. If your business model depends on infringing on the privacy of
people, then your business modell is highly unethical and should be illegal.
This utterly misses the point. This is not about being logged into Facebook or not. I don't have a Facebook account I could be logged into, and they still try to track me (if they could, and wouldn't be shitlisted by at least 4 different filters, that is).
Facebook has no business with me. They can - and should have to - stay the fuck out of my life. The same goes for the other billions of people who don't have a Facebook account and hopefully won't get one.
And even if you are logged into Facebook, that still gives them no right to track you. Privacy is an inalienable right that you cannot give away by signing up for a Facebook account.
>And as for tracking cookies: every website has them to some extend.
That's not an argument, that's a lame excuse. Everyone needs to stop this shit. There's no justification for it. And no, targeted ads are not a justification. If your business model depends on infringing on the privacy of people, then your business modell is highly unethical and should be illegal.