If we measure it in /64s, yeah, it's definitely more than you could ever use.
However, IPv6 space has to be measured in /48s, and IPv4 in /24s, as those are the smallest possible BGP announcable blocks.
With IPv6 there's also an unwritten rule that RIRs will only assign blocks ending on a nibble boundary (with the exception of RIPE and their /29s that they expand by one bit every time you run out).
So a /44 is on the second smallest nibble boundary, making it the second smallest allocation possible.
Yep! But realistically I'm just one dude with a home network and a few VPSes doing BGP. How many /48s do I need? I was experimenting with traffic engineering so I did announce some /48's out of the /44 but that got old pretty quick.
> But realistically I'm just one dude with a home network and a few VPSes doing BGP. How many /48s do I need?
Well, if the VPSes are in seperate sites, at least one per VPS, which means at least 2, which means that according to allocation policies, at least a /44. :)
I have a /32 as an individual that I also got no questions asked.
It’s more IPv6 space than I could ever use.