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How to send Prometheus data to New Relic: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/infrastructure/prometheus-int...

How to send StatsD data to Datadog: https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/?tab=hostage...

Places like datadog and posthog are selling you their ability to ingest your existing data. I call bullshit. It’s a problem looking for a solution. It’s an excuse for engineers to build moats around a moderately difficult problem by making it inscrutable.

It simplifies the issue for applications and libraries that can support Otel and quickly integrate with whatever is being used to collect the data.

The whole idea of OTel is not to be a moat.

It's the exact opposite.

I can export traces (or metrics or logs) to whatever backend I want, and change easily.

You’re talking about a data moat, I’m talking about intellectual moats and intentional complexity, as opposed to accidental or essential complexity.

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