No, the factors that lead to my decision (and ultimately: a better daily life)
- I hate the traffic in Tel Aviv. It works, it's bearable, but coming from a German Autobahn it's just messy, slow, loud and unpredictable
- I had the fortune of choosing an apartment with an excellent connection to work (and < 100m away from the beach), by accident (I didn't explore the way to work before signing the apartment contract)
- Lots of light, warm weather 11 month of the year (locals would disagree, I've seen gas powered heaters outside of restaurants when it was 18-20 degrees aka "t-shirt and shorts" weather), rain only in 1-2 month of the year: Perfect for bikes
- There _is_ no usable public transportation, so bikes are actually quite important and well-used (taxis are ~cheap~ and there are bus lines, but those won't run on shabbat and are .. special)
- I hate the traffic in Tel Aviv. It works, it's bearable, but coming from a German Autobahn it's just messy, slow, loud and unpredictable
- I had the fortune of choosing an apartment with an excellent connection to work (and < 100m away from the beach), by accident (I didn't explore the way to work before signing the apartment contract)
- Lots of light, warm weather 11 month of the year (locals would disagree, I've seen gas powered heaters outside of restaurants when it was 18-20 degrees aka "t-shirt and shorts" weather), rain only in 1-2 month of the year: Perfect for bikes
- There _is_ no usable public transportation, so bikes are actually quite important and well-used (taxis are ~cheap~ and there are bus lines, but those won't run on shabbat and are .. special)