Note that the key word here is sound. The more common static analyzers are unsound tools that will miss cases. Sound tools do not, but few people know of them, they are rare and they are typically proprietary and expensive.
Sure. I'm also a big fan of what Microsoft has done with SAL. And of course you have formally proven C, as used in seL4. I'd say that the contortions you have to go through to write code with these systems takes you out of the domain of "C" and into a domain of a different, safer language merely resembling C. Such a language might be a fine tool! But it's not arbitrary C.
Note that my original comment above was "reasonably safe" and not "perfectly memory safe". You can formally prove something with a lot of effort, but you can also come reasonably close for practical purposes with a lot less effort and more commonly available tools.
You are right that "arbitrary C" is not safe while safe Rust is safe, but this is mostly begging the question. The question is what can you do with the language depending on your requirements. If you need safe C this doable with enough effort, if you need reasonably safe C this is even practical in most projects, and all this should be compared to Rust as used in a similar situation which very well may include use of unsafe Rust or C libraries which may also limit the safety.
It is C. It is just written with the aid of formal methods. It would be nice if all software were written that way. That said, if you want another language “resembling C”, there is always WUFFS:
> It is C. It is just written with the aid of formal methods.
It is not C in the sense that many of the usual reasons to use C no longer apply. E.g. a common reason to use C is the availability of libraries, but most popular libraries will not pass that analyser so you can't use them if you're depending on that analyser. E.g. a common reason to use C is standard tooling for e.g. automated refactoring, but will those standard tools preserve analyser-passing? Probably not.
Note that the key word here is sound. The more common static analyzers are unsound tools that will miss cases. Sound tools do not, but few people know of them, they are rare and they are typically proprietary and expensive.