The concept reminds me of Platypus, a side scroller from olden days.
The author all the elements from modeling clay, aka plasticine, but lost most of his clay in an apartment fire and ended up mushing all the colors together in one ugly grey blob to make enough to make one model at a time, photograph it, and the color it in software.
As time consuming as that sounds, I'm sure my children and I spent more time enjoying it.
When I was a teenager, I was hired to port Platypus to the Mac. It is, by far, the most incomprehensible code base I've ever worked on.
It consisted of just one big 15,000 line file, containing three functions. Logic was driven by gotos and global arrays.
I couldn't make sense of any of it, so the source had to be treated as a black box to which wrapper layers were applied.
It always amazed me how much Anthony persevered to make the game fantastic. He couldn't program very well (and was the first to admit it), but it never stopped him from doing a better job of the game than most programmers I know would have - polished and bug free.
That was quite a source of inspiration for me - I've since spent the last seven years making games full time at my own companies, with much the same Just Get It Done attitude.
I'm really looking forward to his next game, Cletus. Cool guy.
Also, if you're ever around the VT / MA border, New England Felting Supply is pretty trippy. The entire store is sorted by color which makes the the whole inside looks almost like some lickable candy thing.
The aesthetics are bloody awesome! I don't know what to make of the gameplay from the video but the vibe is spot on. You should collect email addresses somewhere, I'd love to hear when it's ready.
Fwiw: I am on an android and can't get it to play, which is a shame because I would really like to see it. My mom sews beautifully. I have an aunt who crochets, etc. I would love to see this.
I actually use a Galaxy Nexus myself, but I decided to switch from Corona SDK (cross platform) to objective-C and cocos2d! I guess ideally I intend for it to be played on the iPad, but I definitely want to port to Android when I'm done!
The author all the elements from modeling clay, aka plasticine, but lost most of his clay in an apartment fire and ended up mushing all the colors together in one ugly grey blob to make enough to make one model at a time, photograph it, and the color it in software.
As time consuming as that sounds, I'm sure my children and I spent more time enjoying it.
Some pictures:
The story of the fire: