He cares about freedom and the spark of consciousness, of which he requires a foundation of a strong and free country; maybe you're being perfectionistic, e.g. The Selfish Gene?
The main thesis of The Selfish Gene is that evolution is best explained by a gene-centered model, rather than an organism or species model. I'm confused what that has to do with not being a perfectionist about Musk.
Since when does he care about freedom? He was shadow banning content that he disliked on X, all the while boosting takes he approved of. Sure, he owns X and can do whatever he wants with it, but he doesn’t care about freedom.
I for one do not care about Mars, the science, all his expensive toys. I'm here on earth trying to make ends meat. What has his rocket done for me?
Who's praising the engineers who are grinding their souls to accomplish? It's not Musk accomplishing this. He just stuck up human with money. Like all.
And as an environmentalist in my spare time, why are we trying to get to some red rock of a planet than fixing the climate where we all live?
He's not contributing anything to the real matter yet we are all happy to bitch about climate change and then dish out praise when we allow someone to go and frack for oil. [0][1]
Sorry if it upsets you that I don't want to be under servitude of some egotistical nit. And, as well also sorry that yourself are too stuck in the fumes of fallacy of one who's causing more issues for this planet for his future for one you yourself will never reach.
> Who's praising the engineers who are grinding their souls to accomplish?
I always credit the SpaceX team for their accomplishments, fully aware they are successful despite Musk, not because of him. He’s good at getting attention and funding.
>I for one do not care about Mars, the science, all his expensive toys. I'm here on earth trying to make ends meat. What has his rocket done for me?
I mean at least for me personally it gave me excellent Internet access when I was on vacation in the middle of nowhere and didn't even have cell reception. And if there's a big disaster in my area I'm sure it will be excellent for maintaining communication.
Again, satellite net has existed since years. He
made it accessible to others which has its merits. But then goes boasting egotistically acting other lesser-evil, almost like sabotaging others with not caring.
Competition always drives down the price. It's not the first satellite in space. You could of had satellite internet prior. But again, like electric cars these companies have been blind and moronic for not moving in making it available for the people.
Google tried with their own fibre not as they're any better in merits.
I don't trust it. I'd rather be without than with but again however I do live in a country where it isn't as critical.
The needs of, and I don't rule out the positive of, I would just prefer it to managed other than himself but, or actually showed some professional qualities owning to it.
To me, the internet now is a commodity; I'm a nerd with colocated servers.
I'm not scared of it, I just don't like it. The person in charge, his agenda does not benefit anything positive To the folks.
Eh, starting off with an ad hominem shows you're lacking emotional regulation and your emotion is going to be clouding your logic; meaning you're not going to be as rationally logical, meaning you're more likely irrational in your conclusions.
You don't appear to know any of the backstory to that situation re: Musk calling the diver a pedophile, just latched onto, probably from confirmation bias, what the media perpetuated/propagated arguably as propaganda to demonize to attempt disempower Elon, an actual threat to the establishment - and you're clearly looking into things at a biased ideological level; lucky for us he has gained/earned enough resources and power to be able to acquire Twitter, and provide the world the Twitter Files for us to know the US government was colluding with big tech to censor voices including highly credentialed experts.
From my understanding Musk had hired a private investigator to look into the diver. The investigator told Musk that the diver was a pedophile - of which is relatively easily believable on the surface based on the known "tourism" - which may or may not be more or less a stereotype. Musk then repeated that.
Perhaps the investigator lied to Musk? Or perhaps the situation isn't that the investigator lied, maybe he did conclude the diver was a pedophile and therefore Musk was relaying the truth, but maybe at minimum the investigator wasn't able to provide any concrete evidence to confirm in a court of law to counter a lawsuit, to help prove that the person was indeed a pedophile (do you have any evidence to the contrary? Or maybe the diver found 15 year olds to have sex with - a quick Google search says is the age of consent in Thailand - unknown if there are other nuances to the law; so maybe by law in Thailand the diver wasn't a "pedophile" - but in America it would be considered illegal-unethical?
I imagine too that the more sophisticated-suave snake oil salesmen/grifters of the world will try to target people like Musk; or is Musk a superhero in your eyes and should be immune to such vectors of attack? So perhaps instead you should be grateful then you've not been competent enough to rise to such a position to attract such scammers - otherwise perhaps develop your critical thinking, do the thought exercise of putting yourself in other peoples' shoes far more often so that you can develop compassion and be less angry and resentful of the world.
You seem to believe the world is far less complex than it is.
This is why propaganda works so well. The vast majority of people won't spend adequate time to understand a situation, if it actually warrants a serious attempt at uncovering the truth - instead ideologues will make conclusions they will put the full weight of their belief behind - acting as if it is 100% true, and without dispersing or distributing the drive of their passion properly across the landscape of their understanding of the world; that usually means they don't have the ability to "let go" and allow emotions-stress to calm and quell completely to their very baseline stress level of perfectly calm, instead they learn to suppress and repress unprocessed or under-processed emotion - which is in fact unhealed trauma, starting in childhood as an abnormal-unhealthy coping mechanism vs. properly processing the emotion to
I'm guessing you also haven't weighed into your conclusion about Musk to include the actual creation of the submarine that where if the water levels hadn't lowered again, that it would have arguably assured that all of those young boys would have survived.
You also probably think his father owned an emerald mine - and haven't read Isaacson's autobiography - because who has time to study a person you appear to think must be very dangerous for society? And incongruently you'd likely not take into account that if Elon could have such eccentric behaviour, then couldn't his father as well have made up an easy lie of having significant shares in emerald mine in order to gain favour in potential business or attracting women?
And I'll steel man your argument for a moment, and echo what others in this thread have commented: what if it requires someone who's as much of an "egotistical megalomaniac" as Elon is but that understands the need for freedom of person, to give them the drive to fortify all of society against tyranny? What's that worth to humanity? Invaluable, no
And what if you could have compassion for Elon instead of imbalanaced judgement, to try to understand where do you think his drive may have come from? Could it have stemmed from immense stress and/or self-esteem issues that most, if not all of us have - whether we know we have them or not, whether they drove us to succeed to the same degree or not? Maybe you've been "fortunate" to not have to experience that or that that the way you coped with it led you on a different path than Elon's trajectory?
Also, with your ad hominem as the start of this message, does that make you any better than Elon for offhand calling someone a pedophile? I'd argue your judgement and emotional regulation ability is at minimum equal to his, but probably worse, but that you also have resentment and don't put much thought into things - you just have to impulsive write 3 short sentences to quell whatever amount of emotion that you couldn't instead just let pass you by - to "let go" of it, instead venting on HN in a drive-by comment.
P.S. In your profile you say you should stop being bothered by your karma score. I'd argue it's not a problem itself, however what you do need to - would benefit to work on - are emotional regulation practices, e.g. developing stress regulation skills for your body and mind, where there's a biofeedback loop: stressful thoughts cause stress in the body, stress-filled body causes stressful thoughts - so you have 2 avenues to address and learn to : your body and your mind. Note that as you begin to find practices that allow your body to calm that will allow space in your mind for old trauma-stresses to arise, old-unprocessed memories that you probably don't even realize are there and are still causing you stress and directing your behaviour will surface, and you will need to learn how to process those.
P.P.S. You can either cower by the mob, and coddle yourself, avoiding the possible flood of downvotes that can occur when you respond in threads about Elon Musk or other "hot topics" - attracting the gaze and often knee-jerk reaction of downvotes and replies by the ideological mob who despises Elon, to keep your "precious" karma score regulated and avoid it going down - a fear , or ideally you learn to regulate yourself and learn to discern if people actually replying to you with words have any valid logical counter-points to what you've written - or if you're willing to be so gracious and potentially willing to be embarrassed, you can spend time to explain yourself and counter what they've said - or perhaps learn something new; of which your reply just let us all know that your use of ad hominem tells us a lot about you, but really nothing serious to consider about Elon.
And no, I didn't write any of this for you, although I'd be grateful if any of it began to resonate with you - a blessing for you if your reactivity didn't cause you to recoil and avoid my words for long enough that you can maybe take a moment to focus on your breathe up to a 10 count or until you notice your body and notice that your stress has at least stabilized, if not begun to calm down, so then you can begin to read again, rinse and repeat - the practice and exercise first perhaps being noticing how just reading words are causing a physical reaction in your body; or perhaps your body is so locked up in stress that you aren't even able to notice the stress changes in your body, and so then I'd recommend a holistic health practice like 75-90 minute Bikram hot yoga classes to kick your ass and break through your hardened shell that's a disservice to you by blocking nuanced signals for you to discern with; the most subtle and nuanced of signals arguably being when you develop practices to the degree of having the ability to have such a still mind the the most subtle pieces of memory or strands of thought that haven't yet been processed are able to be felt, essentially the feeling of cognitive dissonance - perhaps only recognized as a queer or off feeling that you haven't yet even come to understand yet to label yet as cognitive dissonance, which then hopefully will then allow you to consciously direct your attention to discern to see if there is cognitive dissonance; this is what blocks most people's development, that off feeling instead of consciously examining it, they instead develop an avoidant coping mechanism.
And some evidence towards this idea, that even if Elon is a megalomaniac, it is far better for us - and he knows it is far better for him and society as a whole - that he isn't a no holes barred megalomaniac, that he won't make a deal with the devil - a far easier path to riches and maintaining so-called power - control - than if giving into the methods of honeypots and blackmail-extortion that catches a web of easily manipulable-weak individuals who must now toe the line of some invisible puppet masters, who often use providing children to be raped as their lure and temptation offered-provided: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1854339192794251529 (of which we now know the Advertising Industrial Complex is a clear pathway for funding-rewarding those toeing the line as part of the censorship-suppression-narrative control apparatus that the globalist cabal has required ; and if anyone's reaction to anything I've written above is to ask me how tight my tinfoil hat is fitting, or use conspiracy theorist as a defamatory slur, examine your conscience and your heart deeper - for otherwise you are currently more than less easily manipulable by bad actors you want to fortify against.
Thanks for the opportunity to keep my mind busy - the excruciating pain I have to try to cope with today especially is near killing me; if you care to know why I'll spend so much time understanding something, it's not because I'm obsessed or a "fanboy" of Elon as I could preemptively predict could be your next flyby comment.
I'd recommend you feel more-better, connect to your body, so then you can think more-better.