The World Bank is an international organization, accountable to its shareholder governments, themselves accountable to their respective people, as all but China, Russia and Saudi Arabia are democracies.
Yes, and those govts can demand accountability. Its citizens cannot see the spending of other govts just because they feel entitled. No country funded the entire operation.
Your govt likely received foreign aid spent on citizens. Does this entitle citizens of that foreign govt to peer into your personal finances because part of them were mixed with foreign money? No, it doesn’t. Just because your govt put money somewhere that was mixed with other actor money doesn’t entitle you to seeing all financials of that entity.
If your standard is something even partially touched by tax money needs its finances made fully public, then you’ll need to include citizens making their finances made fully public. This is stupid, right?
Instead, if you do what all first world countries do, have your govt disclose where it spent money, then that is your accountability. Demanding what you want here isn’t good policy; it’s targeted outrage without thinking of its results.
> I’d guess you’re American based on your entitlement.
Probably. Only Americans demand accountability from governments and publicly funded international organizations. The rest of us have learned to shut up and keep our heads down, and continue to worship our masters.