> We have mass graves from prehistoric battles. A female skeleton in one of those would have been big news.
Doesn't seem to make the news, since in archaeological circles it's not really newsworthy. This really is just applying modern gender ideology to ancient peoples that had different ideas about gender roles.
Well I guess it does technically "make the news" since more niche news sites report on the findings. Maybe my own background makes me find it not really newsworthy.
You know, your comment is written to suggest that one of the links at the end provides an example of the phenomenon that I said "would have been big news", and yet none of them do so or even purport to do so.
Well now I'm just confused. Let me ask you this: to specifically which mass graves are you referring, from which time period?
The thread supposition is that the men tucked the women away and then went off to war. My counterpoint is that what evidence we have of the ancient world (more than 3k years ago and such since the people in the replies vaguely talk about tribes) doesn't really indicate that people "went off to war" like that, nor that what conflict did happen didn't have women in it.
There's also the issue that if we're talking mass graves > 5k years ago, so from sites from cultures about which we know very little, it's very difficult to accurately determine and individual's biological sex, and essentially impossible to determine their gender (knowing nothing about the genders of that society). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2015/908535
If you're of the persuasion that modern gender enthusiasm is stupid or whatever, that's irrelevant, we're discussing ancient cultures, and other cultures clearly have had more than 2 genders before so we need to acknowledge the possibility https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-...
So: which grave sites did you mean? The oldest one we know of, Jebel Seheba, may have been from a protracted series of conflicts and is about half half male / female for the skeletons for which sex can be reasonably determined. The Talheim death pit had women in it. The crow creek massacre site had women in it.
That is, in the most literal sense, not evidence. It's also a completely unjustified claim.
Where did the legends of Ellen Ripley come from?
> and women did, apparently, fight in the Trojan war
There's no evidence for that either.
> and women did get buried with weapons
Yep. There's evidence for that. It appears to be a single-digit number of women per 1000 years, and there isn't evidence that they used the weapons.
We have mass graves from prehistoric battles. A female skeleton in one of those would have been big news.