It's circuit bending, or Fritzing, not finding a clever exploit in DRAM. Even an ECC module isn't going to help you if it's on the CPU data bus.
I just hope we don't all end up suffering through yet another 50% slowdown in patches to the Kernel to avoid this nonsense because someone buys the BS and now it has to be "fixed", like the row hammer software fixes, instead of just fixing the dam DRAM modules, and better hardware.
Another analogy:
It's like when a brain surgeon probes your cerebellum and suddenly you smell strawberry or hear Brahms. The surgeon certainly doesn't know what reaction you have unless you tell them.
You wouldn't go around later saying "Dr Jones made me smell strawberries, on a whim, certainly he's a G*d"
Your analogy isn't quite right. It's as if the doctor is capable of turning your entire brain into strawberry-sensing neurons, and then they poke it and 90% of the time you think about strawberries.
> I'm exploring this because I think it might be useful for console hacking - where you have physical access, and the ability to execute sandboxed code (say, inside a web browser)
ID: (they ask not to link to their fedi instance).
So if we don't have the addition of the antenna wire, is the usual case shielding sufficient or do we just need larger/intense pulses, more of them, or somewhere in between? is like to try this at home, but not if I have to solder a wire on the already small RAM traces.
If you try it on a desktop system, the RAM is likely going to be in through-hole DIMM slots, so the soldering will be a lot more managable than in a laptop
It's circuit bending, or Fritzing, not finding a clever exploit in DRAM. Even an ECC module isn't going to help you if it's on the CPU data bus.
I just hope we don't all end up suffering through yet another 50% slowdown in patches to the Kernel to avoid this nonsense because someone buys the BS and now it has to be "fixed", like the row hammer software fixes, instead of just fixing the dam DRAM modules, and better hardware.
Another analogy:
It's like when a brain surgeon probes your cerebellum and suddenly you smell strawberry or hear Brahms. The surgeon certainly doesn't know what reaction you have unless you tell them.
You wouldn't go around later saying "Dr Jones made me smell strawberries, on a whim, certainly he's a G*d"