As soon as results[0] is ready he wants to print it. Then as soon as results[1] is read he wants to print it. Etc. Not waiting till the end to print everything, and not printing anything out of order.
If results[i] must be printed only AFTER print of results[0]...results[i-1], then you effectively need to wait for max of (time to compute results[0]...results[i]), since even if results[i] is computed earlier you can't print it out if results[0]..results[i-1] are not available. If result[0] takes the longest compute time, then you will definitely need to wait till the end.
Frankly, a simple sequential for loop seems to the simplest solution here :)
Anyways, I think this: satisfies all the constraints. Only look at the output with the "(main)" prefix, the other prints are for elucidation.
package main
import (
type Result struct {
value int
computed bool
consumed bool
func main() {
args := []int{5, 2, 4, 1, 8}
results := make([]Result, len(args))
signal := make(chan bool)
signalCount := 0
slowSquare := func(arg int, index int) {
randomMilliseconds := rand.Intn(1000)
blockDuration := time.Duration(randomMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
square := arg * arg
results[index] = Result{value: square, computed: true}
fmt.Printf("(#%d) Squared %d, index=%d, result=%2d, duration=%s, sending signal. \n", index, arg, index, square, blockDuration)
signal <- true
for i, x := range args {
go slowSquare(x, i)
for {
if signalCount == len(results) {
for i := 0; i < len(results); i++ {
if !results[i].computed {
if !results[i].consumed {
fmt.Printf("(main) Squared %d, index=%d, result=%2d\n", args[i], i, results[i].value)
results[i].consumed = true
That code has a race condition. One goroutine can modify an element of results at the same time a different goroutine is reading it. Running with `go run -race` detects the race.
This can be fixed with a mutex.
Now that we've got working code (with the mutex), we have to ask: have we proved Chris wrong? I don't think so. Chris never said it's impossible to implement this in Go. Chris just said that implementing it in Go is uglier than using an array of promises in some other language. And I think this code is uglier than an array of promises.
Although I think I disagree with Chris. He says that an array of channels is significantly uglier than an array of promises. I don't think so. I think an array of channels is fine (and is easier to understand than the signal, signalCount, computed, consumed, +mutex code).
package main
import (
func main() {
args := []int{5, 2, 4, 1, 8}
results := make([]chan int, len(args))
slowSquare := func(arg int, index int) {
randomMilliseconds := rand.Intn(1000)
blockDuration := time.Duration(randomMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
square := arg * arg
fmt.Printf("(#%d) Squared %d, index=%d, result=%2d, duration=%s, sending signal. \n", index, arg, index, square, blockDuration)
results[index] <- square
for i, x := range args {
results[i] = make(chan int, 1)
go slowSquare(x, i)
for i := 0; i < len(results); i++ {
fmt.Printf("(main) Squared %d, index=%d, result=%2d\n", args[i], i, <-results[i])
Yes, I didn't quite get why he wanted a solution without multiple is clearly the best way. The only other option without multiple channels is to use one of the atomic types: `sync/Atomic.Int32` (to avoid the mutex) and then a single channel for signalling.
Revised example without pretty-print at
As soon as you have completed `<-finished` in the main go-routine, it means `results[0]` has been populated and is ready for read.
If you want to wait till all results are available, then perform `<-finished`, `len(results)` times. (Or use sync.WaitGroup)