Who was the genius behind these features? Someone was incredibly forward looking in that company. Too bad it never got out into the world and impacted the language standards. It is surprising to see that so long ago.
CLU had for loops with iterators (generators) and yield in the mid–late 1970s [0]. The Icon programming language around the same time had similar generator features [1] (with yield spelled “suspend”). Ada (1983) also had such features I believe. These weren’t completely unknown language features.
Metaware was a prolific compiler company based out of Santa Cruz in the 80s/90s. Loved what they did, they also had a very interesting culture. I knew about them through coughshadycough sites when learning and writing code back in the day.
Not really, if you dig into archives of high level programming languages since FORTRAN, Lisp, ALGOL and COBOL sprung into existence, you will see lots of these language ideas.
You will also discover the rich history of systems programming languages, and how similar C and Go design's are in ignoring what was being done in other ecosystems, and past experiences.
Also previously covered here on Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38938402
Is there a PDF copy of this somewhere?