I am personally amazed at how much the author of bitcoin got right, he is clearly a genius.
However, bitcoin is not perfect, interestingly, it seems as though bitcoin's creator did not predict the rise of mining pools. They could eventually exert the same amount of influence over the bitcoin economy as banks do today with government backed money.
There are other technical issues which could relatively easily be fixed in the code but would require a "hardfork", a change in the protocol meaning that either all nodes upgrade to the new protocol, or a new blockchain is started.
Wow, the whole point of bitcoin is freedom. You're essentially arguing that this freedom is cool and all, but we'd all be better off if with less of it.
A certain ideal or principle of freedom is what interests you about Bitcoin. Author of grandparent might have different reasons for his interest in Bitcoin. So, the contradiction or double standard you see is not really there.
Bitcoin is what everyone knows and it's what has a shot at success. If the choices get muddied, I don't think anyone benefits.