My thought process was to laminate them to make them easier to make at home. I agree that it’s definitely more child friendly. This maybe a project I attempt at home and will post if I’m successful.
I was surprised that you opted to use the tag ID as a primary key instead of writing the relevant metadata to the NFC tags in the first place. NTAG215s have about 500 bytes worth of rewritable storage, so you could even embed the full deep links if you so desired.
Home Assistant scans the tag-IDs by default, so you use them as a trigger, with little extra effort for each new card. "When card with ID X is detected, do Y".
I have something similar setup in my home office for my music and I just use the ID, no need to complicate it any more than it already is.
I actually hadn't considered QR codes.
To be honest, I had some NFC tags laying around and I was desperate to find a project for them ;)
QR codes might be more complicated because you need a camera and a well-lit environment. NFC tags don't have that issue.