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I use back-tick `. For nested, it becomes `` or ````. For twice nested and I'm writing a shell script with ` instead of $( .. ) It's ```````` (I'm an emacs user, I need all the control characters :)

I also use backticks, and in 99.9% of cases it works like a charm. But then one day you paste a large file, and the gates of hell open. Tmux randomly opens windows, kills sessions, and launches nuclear missiles while processing all the backticks in the text.

I think this can be avoided if you enable “bracketed paste” in your terminal.

Yeah, that's true. Tho for large pastes, I generally only do that in a locally running GUI emacs. For remote, I'll assemble the file and then scp.

Even without tmux, this can be an issue - a long time ago I was using the X windows "drag the selection" middle mouse button action and accidentally let go of the button while the cursor was over an emacs text window - I sent my first email to some big listserv I subscribed to consisting of weird fragments from the log file I was trying to paste.a

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