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We survived 10k requests/second: Switching to signed asset URLs in an emergency (hardcover.app)
147 points by dyogenez 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 168 comments

I really hope this is not the whole of your code otherwise you have a nice open redirect vulnerability on your hand and possibly a private bucket leak if you don't check which bucket you are signing the request for. Never for the love of security take an URL as input from a user without doing a whole lot of checks and sanitization. And don't expect your language parser to be perfect, Orange Tsai demonstrated they can get confused [1].

[1] https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-17/thursday/us-17-Tsai-A-Ne...

I left off the method that generates the signed URL. It limits the bucket to a specific one per env and blocks some protected folders and file types. I left that out in case someone used it to find an opening to attack.

Quick feedback – you've used the term "signed URL" over 50 times in the post without once explaining what it is or how it works.

Until the author fixes the post, this is what they're talking about: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signed-.... Essentially, it ensures that a URL is invalid unless the server signs it with a secret key controlled by the server, which means that clients can't access your assets just by guessing the URL. In addition to signing the URL, the signature can contain metadata such as permissions and expiration time.

Is there any advantage over JWT other than one can put the token into the URL itself (which is technically also possible with JWT I guess, with the downside that it will be probably exposed in logs, etc.)?

The signature is verified by the origin bucket/cdn endpoint, so it's in the format used by the applicable public cloud, without depending on any application-specific cookie or bearer values, and with CORS/CSP interactions you can easily reason about.

Signature values could appear in the logs the cloud provider writes, but won't be in your application logs unless you, for example, specifically write out the Location of a 30x redirect (which would be relatively uncommon), and in any case the ephemerality makes them basically uninteresting.

Signed URLs work with dumb storage such as Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage.

You might want to use JWT to authenticate someone before handing out a signed URL, though.

These came out before JWTs gained broad adoption. They are accomplishing the same technical objective via a different implementation.

Rather than allowing any object on a bucket to be downloaded by its raw URL (i.e: http://mycdn.io/abcdefg.jpeg), the backend service needs to generate a "signed" url, which is a short lived URL that grants the user a single request against that resources (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) (i.e: http://mycdn.io/abcdefg.jpeg?signed={securerandomstring}) So you can only use the URL to download it once, and you need to go through the backend API to generate the presigned URL. This could result in your backend getting hammered but you can also use DDOS protection to prevent 10k requests a second from going through your backend

Theyre also a good way to allow users to upload images to your CDN without having to actually upload that data to your web API backend; you just give the user a presigned PUT request URL and they get a one-time ticket to upload to your bucket

Worth calling out that the big benefit is you basically lean on the service provider for streaming the data, without having to form a trust relationship between them and the receiver of the data.

That is, the entire point is to not put more compute between the requester and the data. The absolute worst place to be would be to have compute that is streaming from the data provider, so that they can stream to the end user.


Exactly. You can selectively gate access to the data but still have it served from a cdn

It's not a single time, but its with TTL.

Ohh good catch. Just updated the post with a section mentioning what signed URLs are before jumping into the solution.

Earlier this week someone started hitting our Google Cloud Storage bucket with 10k requests a second... for 7 hours. I realized this while working from a coffee shop and spent the rest of the day putting in place a fix.

This post goes over what happened, how we put an a solution in place in hours and how we landed on the route we took.

I'm curious to hear how others have solved this same problem – generating authenticated URLs when you have a public API.

It sounds like you had public list access to your bucket, which is always bad. However, you can prevent list access, but keep read access to individual objects public. As long as your object names are unguessable (say, a 16-byte random number), you won’t have the problem you had.

I haven’t used Rails since they integrated storage, but gems like Paperclip used to do this for you by hashing the image parameters with a secret seed to generate the object name.

Using signed URLs is solving a different problem: making people hit your API at least once a day to get a working GCS URL for the image. It’s not clear if that’s an actual problem, as if people want to enumerate your API (as opposed to your bucket), they can do that with the new system too.

That aside, I’m confused about the 250ms thing. You don’t have to hit a Google API to construct a signed URL. It should just be a signature calculation done locally in your server. [0]


Thanks for the comment! Few things to reply to from here.

We didn’t have list access enabled, but someone did get a list of files from our API.

Rails with Paperclip and active storage is amazing. Our front end is in Next.js though, so we have people upload straight from Next to GCS, then we sent the GCS URL to Rails. We don’t do pre-processing of images, so just storing the original is good.

They can still download every image, but they’ll be throttled now and kicked out at the middleware level, or permission denied from GCP. 60/min vs 10k/min.

The signature calculation happening might not be hitting Google in that case. I noticed a long data dump in the console after requesting the signed URL combined with the additional latency and assumed. Maybe it’s just a cryptically difficult calculation like bcrypt and it takes a while. Will have to check, because it’s be great to not need a network reliant call for that.

This was my understanding of signed URLs also. I was wondering why they needed to be cached, then afterwards wondering why the generation was so slow when I read the 250ms part.

> That aside, I’m confused about the 250ms thing. You don’t have to hit a Google API to construct a signed URL. It should just be a signature calculation done locally in your server. [0]

I assume the additional latency is the initial cred fetch from the VM Metadata Service to perform that sign, no?

Could you explain more why you were you not able to sign the URLs at request time? Creating an HMAC is very fast.

I’m going to have to look into this today. I assuming generating the URLs hit an API, but if those can happen fast locally that changes things.

Yup, pre-signing is fast and local, without any I/O. It’s just math. You could likely pre-sign thousands of URLs per second if you needed.

> I'm curious to hear how others have solved this same problem

I think this is interesting to ask, because I often have problems where I'm almost certain it's been solved before, just people don't bother to write about it. Where can people congregate to discuss questions like this?

Hopefully here. Sometimes the best way to get people to respond is to be wrong. I'm sure I've done a bunch of things wrong.

> I'm curious to hear how others have solved this same problem

Not use Google to start with. And not make S3 buckets public. Must be accessed via CloudFront or CF Signed URLs. Making stuff public is dumb.

Have you considered putting cloudflare or similar CDN with unlimited egress in front of your bucket?

Reading your blogpost I don't fully get how the current signing implementation can halt massive downloads, or the "attacker"(?) would just adapt their methods to get the signed URLs first and then proceed to download what they are after anyway?

You cannot just put Cloudflare in front of your Google hosted bucket, that's against CF's terms of service. In order to do that you would have to also host the content itself on Cloudflare R2/Images etc. There used to be also html only restriction but that's no longer the case.

> Next, we got rid of the antiquated HTML vs. non-HTML construct, which was far too broad. Finally, we made it clear that customers can serve video and other large files using the CDN so long as that content is hosted by a Cloudflare service like Stream, Images, or R2.


Lots of people do this, so you definitely can do this even if its against CF's terms of service, which is something I can't find evidence of.

> Cloudflare reserves the right to disable or limit your access to or use of the CDN, or to limit your End Users’ access to certain of your resources through the CDN, if you use or are suspected of using the CDN without such Paid Services to serve video or a disproportionate percentage of pictures, audio files, or other large files.

If you're putting the CDN in front of a bucket with nothing but images, you're automatically in breach.


The issue would be if you just did it for the bucket but didn't load any web pages through cloudlfare, as long as your website uses cloudlfare, this is a very normal and supported use case. You might potentially run into problems if you used it just for the bucket, the pages (or what ever else) the images in the bucket are normally called from aren't using cloudlfare so cloudlfare just sees your bucket and nothing else, I've never come across people having issues with this but I've only ever seen it for people who have at least some of their normal traffic also going through cloudlfare.

Is this your private opinion, or your professional one?

Because that sentence doesn’t cut the mustard in a professional setting. That’s a FAFO sentiment.

It is indeed FAFO, because Cloudflare doesn't spell out what counts as "a disproportionate percentage" of multimedia assets.

If I serve an HTML page through Cloudflare that loads 100 images, each of which is 10x the size of the HTML page, then 99.9% of my bandwidth usage will be images. Is that a disproportionate percentage? It's entirely at Cloudflare's discretion, they can kick out anyone they don't like.

I spend a lot of time at work trying to make sure we have our surprises as known unknowns, not unknown unknowns. And that includes avoiding surprises that are entirely in a third party’s control. I’ve heard too many stories of cron jobs shutting people off a midnight. And too many of them shutting you off on the first. Which sometimes comes on a Saturday. If I’m awake at midnight on a Saturday I’m not in a place where I want to deal with a surprise like that.

Give me something with fast feedback, where I can warn myself and others that some serious shit might happen when I push this button. Not random shit at midnight or 00:00 GMT.

FAFO: F*ck Around and Find Out

Where is this against the GCP or CloudFlare's TOS?

You totally can, just not a "disproportionate percentage"

That's when you're caching a whole page which contains images. The OP is talking about putting the CDN in front of a bucket which doesn't serve anything but images (= 100%).

You can easily work around that problem by putting the CDN in front of everything, including web pages and API calls, not only your bucket of images.

OP might want to do that anyway, since the attacker will now be hammering their Rails app instead of just the bucket.

This is absolutely nuts to me and would immediately rule out ever hosting anything on google storage for me

It’s Cloudflare’s, which prohibits usage not directly related to hosting web content.

i cant delete this but i misread original comment.

Yup. The only mitigation here is that there is a limit to how many different asset URLs they will be able to generate, but if they want to be malicious they can download the same file over and over again and still make you rack up a huge bill.

This is true. I’d still need a CDN in front of the actual files to prevent that. That’s a takeaway for me from this feedback.

10k req/s would potentially crash the ruby proxy server halting the image serving.

Cloudflare is the way to go. I generally serve heavy files, e.g. videos, from a Cloudflare bucket to avoid expensive bills from primary host.

Honestly, I would just move to R2 and save on egress fees even without the CDN. Runaway egress bills are no fun.

I saved myself thousands $/mo moving to R2.

What is R2?

Cloudflare's S3-compatible offering with zero egress fees: https://www.cloudflare.com/developer-platform/r2/

Putting a CDN in front would prevent this at the bucket level, but then someone could still hit the CDN at 10k requests/second. We could rate limit it there though, which would be nice.

The downside is that people already have the URLs for existing bucket directly. So we'd need to change those either way.

The reason why the attacker couldn't just hit the API to get the signed URLs is due to rate limiting that I go over using the rack-attack ruby gem. Since that's limited to 60/second, that's more like 43k images/day max.

> someone could still hit the CDN at 10k requests/second

CDNs have mechanism to rate limit that you can easily configure, and they will be better at this than a ruby gem (no offence to that).

On Ruby you're taking on the rate limiting job down to your CPU and limited visibility per IP... idk man, cloudflare is 20/month.

I immediately groaned when I read "public bucket."

On AWS you'd put CloudFront in front of the (now-private) bucket as a CDN, then use WAF for rate limiting, bot control, etc. In my experience GCP's services work similarly to AWS, so...is this not possible with GCP, or why wasn't this the setup from the get-go? That's the proper way to do things IMO.

Signed URLs I only think of when I think of like, paid content or other "semi-public" content.

Google Cloud makes it insanely difficult/non-obvious what services you should use to solve these problems (or how to use them, because they're always difficult to use). They have a maze of unintuitive product names and sub-products and sub-sub-products, finding them in a UX is ridiculous, there's no useful tips/links/walkthroughs in the wizards, and their docs are terrible. It's like being trapped in the goddamn catacombs of Paris. On AWS, using buckets with CDN, ALB & WAF are obvious and easy, but on GCP it's a quagmire.

The other thing is, AWS WAF was released in 2015, and the Google Cloud Armor WAF feature (the what now?) was released in 2020.

Honestly this is exactly how I felt about GCP when I was building something that would be used by millions of people. At that scale it's very easy to shoot yourself in the foot and boy does Google make that easy.

There were so many things that were outright wrong in their documentation that caused me many sleepless nights. Like not recommending using a pool or closing cloudSQL connections in server less functions because they'll be closed automatically when the instance spins down.

Don't get me wrong I had used pools extensively before, and I knew you had to close connections but their docs and examples would explicitly show the connections not being closed, just left for them to close when the instance spins down.

Idk why they never thought that an instance might never spin down if it's getting hammered with requests and you end up with hundreds of open connections over multiple instances until GCP starts killing your requests telling you "out of connections" in a server less instance. The vaguest possible error which after a lot of debugging you understand that you can't have more than 100 open connections on a single function instance, but you were technically never supposed to have more than one open at any given time.


That's a good idea. I probably could've put a CDN in front of this and rate limited there while keeping things public. That might've been faster than using Ruby to be honest. The downside was that our API already shared the non-CDN URLs, so that would leave the problem open for anyone who already had that data.

The bucket is private though, only accessible through the CDN. The old URLs would cease to function. On AWS this is implemented through OAI/OAC, granting the CloudFront distribution access via its own unique principal. AWS has had a baseline security recommendation for years now to disable S3 public access at the account/org level.

Maybe this breaks things, maybe you need to expire some caches, but (forgive me for being blunt, I can't think of a better way to say it) that's the cost of not doing things correctly to begin with.

My first thought as a security engineer when setting something up to be public has always been "how hard could someone hit this, and how much would it cost/affect availability?"

That said, if you use CF in front of S3 (which you should), anyone with a gigabit connection can easily cost you hundreds of dollars. I know this because I did this to myself accidentally.

With WAF simple IP-based rate limiting is very simple & cheap. More complex types of limits aren't too difficult either, but even just deploying that is a few clicks.

Given that you want to be good stewards of book data, have you considered publishing bulk snapshots to archive.org on a set cadence? It would strongly reduce any needs to do any sort of bulk scraping and also ensure that should something happen to your service, the data isn't lost forever.

I hadn't thought of that, but I love the idea! How's that work?

Register for an account and create a new item. You can replace files in the item , update the description to indicate what date the snapshot was made and what it contains.


It's a very open platform. Think up what the best format for your data is and upload a compressed zip file or tar.gz of the data.

I'd likely do different archives for images and metadata, so people that want to just process metadata can download that specific data and work on it.

Luckily as you can edit over time, you can experiment and adjust based upon user's feedback.

Nice! Yeah I like the idea of sharing our static book data here on some kind of cadence. I'll pencil this in by the end of the year.

I recall reports of cases like this nearly every day at AWS, and that was a decade ago.

It wasn't unusual, for first-time victims at least, that we'd a) waive the fees and b) schedule a solution architect to talk them through using signed URLs or some other mitigation. I have no visibility into current practice either at AWS or GCP but I'd encourage OP to seek billing relief nevertheless, it can't hurt to ask. Sustainable customer growth is the public cloud business model, of which billing surprises are the antithesis.

I recently had a call with Google and have a sales/solution person I’ve been talking to about moving more services there. I’ll share what happened and see what they say.

Did this guy just write a blog post about how he completely rewrote a functional feature to save $800?

In all seriousness, the devil is in the details around this kind of stuff, but I do worry that doing something not even clever, but just nonstandard, introduces a larger maintenance effort than necessary.

Interesting problem, and an interesting solution, but I'd probably rather just throw money at it until it gets to a scale that merits further bot prevention measures.

If this were a business and someone else's money I'd do the same. This is a bootstrapped side project coming out of my own wallet.

If money wasn't an issue, I'd probably just allow people to download images for free.

Good point! My POV assumed some amount of revenue generation.

It was $800 so far.

Your point is valid for normal usage patterns where there is a direct relationship between active users and cost. But an attack meant OP’s costs were sky rocketing even though usage was flat.

Beauty of cloud :) This could be easily served by a $100/month DO droplet with 0 worries about $.

Not on DO. ~$100 a month droplet gets you about 5TB of transfer out. They pulled 15TB in 7 hours. That's ~1,440,000 (16330) on overage or about $15k extra.

Doesn't DO charge $0.01/GB for egress overage? That's $150, not $15k. (Although Hetzner or something would've been even less.)

The formatting ate my math it's 1,440,000TB of transfer per month. (16 x 3 x 30 ). That's $14.4k

Ah thanks I see - if the attack/misuse had kept up for the entire month.

Didn't pay attention to transfer figure lets switch DO to CCX43 on Hetzner for $50 more

This is fascinating. I've been looking into different providers for a high-bandwidth project.

Are there any providers with free egress?

I used Hetzner many years ago but completely forgot about them.

I think you miss the point of the cloud. It's not supposed to be cheaper. If you want cheap, yeah, run on Hetzner. If you want to deploy a WAF with complex rules to route specific traffic to either a multi-region ALB or a bucket with a WAF built in, and do it in 10 minutes, you use the cloud.

I really don't :) I work on this day in and day out. It just that 90% of the projects don't need any of the above.

Why do you care whether it "needs" to be done a certain way? You could use Hetzner, or you could use some giant cloud infra. Both get the job done. Why do you care which is used?

You probably care because you don't like waste. But another person might not care so much about waste, and cares more about other things. Like the time it takes to get something done, or the technical ability required, or the ability to find someone else to maintain something, or its flexibility in being changed. Or maybe just the fun of building something with cool toys.

You originally commented with cost being the factor. But if the person building this doesn't mind an additional cost, then they don't need to build it on DO or Hetzner. That said, if they do built it on the cloud, they do need to keep in mind the cost... just like if they built it on DO or Hetzner, they would need to keep in mind how to rebuild the instance when it goes down, how to maintain the instance's OS for security patches, etc.

Both require additional considerations besides the one thing. Your choices just move around the necessary complexity.

I generally care about unneeded complexity mainly because often times when you switch projects you inherent a ton of it. Also many projects don't see the light of day because people overcomplicated the infra too much.

I used to have my own half server rack and unlimited bandwidth for $500/mo.

My own machines, of course.

DO _is_ cloud. Using their droplets compared to someone more sophisticated on GCP is an engineering choice, but both are cloud and both have upsides and downsides, and one needs to understand their needs to make the correct decision both among the different providers and within a provider on the right setup.

The billing model for VPSs and real big cloud(TM) providers is very different. This is espeically true for bandwith.

Does DO have free bandwidth? If not how exactly does that solve the problem?

I don't think they have unmetered bandwidth?

They don't, although their overage rates are pretty reasonable compared to the big clouds at 1 cent per gig. It's hard to beat Hetzners 0.1 cents per gig, though.

I'd rather pay pennies for bandwidth than rely on "unmetered" bandwidth which tends to suddenly stop being unmetered if you use it too much.

I rent a bare metal server for $50/month with unlimited bandwith...


OVH: https://us.ovhcloud.com/bare-metal/prices/ (prices are a little higher now)

Probably Hetzner

There is no such thing as unlimited bandwidth.

What I'm aware of are services which do not charge extra for egress but severely limit your egress bandwidth (like 10 Gbit peak, 100 Mbit avg)

And limiting egress bandwidth is better is better done in the service per client than by the hoster for your system


Check this out. You _almost_ use the most expensive service.

I think you should expand your awareness. Hetzner for instance doesn't mention anywhere that they throttle your 10gbit uplink, but they limit to 20TB/month, with ~1EUR for every TB over. Seems like you wouldn't even have noticed what you described in your article.

20 TB/month is significantly less than 100 Mbit/s

Sure there are cheaper options then GCS but, there is no one providing unlimited free bandwidth

Hetzner rootservers have no in- or outgoing data limit either

I don't understand, why wasn't there a CDN in front of the public GCS bucket resources?

While this is normally done due to the reasons mentioned, to me that is a significant downside.

Why can't GCS act as a CDN, too?

Because then they can’t sell you two products.

I must be missing something obvious, but what do signed URLs have to do with requests going directly to resources in a bucket instead of a CDN of some sort like Cloudflare? Signed URLs are typically used to provide secure access to a resource in a private bucket. But it seems like it's used as a cache of sorts?

I think you have it right. The signed URLs are a way to giving people an address to the files from our API, then they have call it again to key the keys. I suspect if once we put the files behind a CDN with signed keys, we’ll have even more security here.

One suggestion to speed up perf. Use bucket#signed_url instead of file#signed_url, otherwise it's doing an HTTP request to Google every generation.

Thank you! I was wondering where the 250ms of latency was coming from. I’ll change this up today.

Do any cloud providers have a sensible default or easy-to-enable mode for “you literally cannot spend one penny until you set specific quotas/limits for each resource you’re allocating”?

No, because surprise runaway costs are their entire business model.

Cloud is the new gym membership.

Not really, because those clients will be unhappy and cause trouble.

They like the clients which expand slowly.

So going from $100 to $100k in a month by accident they want to avoid while still being able to go from $1k to $100k in a year

I had to do a similar thing a decade ago when someone started scraping my site by brute force. At the time I was using CoralCDN already, but my server was getting hammered, so I just started serving up assets with hashed URLs and changing the key every 24h--their scraper was dumb enough to not start again from scratch.

I ended up using the exact same code for sharding, and later to move to a static site with Azure Storage (which lets me use SAS tokens for timed expiry if I want to).

It would be funny to give the scraper some „funny“ pictures :D

I'm always surprised to read how much money companies are willing to spend on things that can be done for essentially nothing.

I had a look at the site - why does this need to run on a major cloud provider at all? Why use VERY expensive cloud storage at 9 cents per gigabyte? Why use very expensive image conversion at $50/month when you can run sharp on a Linux server?

I shouldn't be surprised - the world is all in on very expensive cloud computing.

There's another way though assuming you are running something fairly "normal" (whatever that means) - run your own Linux servers. Serve data from those Linux computers. I use CloudFlare R2 to serve your files - its free. You probably don't need most of your fancy architecture - run a fast server on Ionos or Hetzner or something and stop angsting about budget alerts from Google for things that should be free and runnong on your own computers - simple,. straightforward and without IAM spaghetti and all that garbage.

EDIT: I just had a look at the architecture diagram - this is overarchitected. This is a single server application that almost has no architecture - Caddy as a web server - a local queue - serve images from R2 - should be running on a single machine on a host that charges nothing or trivial amount for data.

Don't use cloud, use these two other clouds. This right here is the issue, the skills and know how to buy hardware, install it in a data center, and get it on the internet are niche beyond niche.

Entering the world where you're dealing with Cogent, your Dell and Fortinet reps, suddenly having strong opinions about iDRAC vs iLO and hardware RAID is well beyond what anyone wants to care about just to run some web servers.

When people talk about major cloud providers being expensive the alternative is never /really/ to do it yourself but move to a discount hosting provider. And it's not as if there isn't savings to be found there but it's just another form of cloud optimization. We're talking about a story where $100 of spend triggers an alert. The difference is so minuscule.

I have read this argument before. Of cause you can do everything yourself _but it is not free_

You are missing both development cost and much more importantly opportunity cost

If I spent a person year on a cheap run architecture while my competitor spent a person year on a value add feature add, he will win

Depends on what skills you have, but running everything on a single machine rather than messing with multiple cloud services can also be cheaper in development cost.

If you're able to do that, then you have a huge skill! I'm not much of a devops engineer myself, so I'm leveraging work done by others. My skills are in application design. For hosting I try to rely on what others have built and host there.

If I had your skills then our costs would be much smaller. As it stands now we pay about $700/month for everything - the bulk of it for a 16gb ram / 512gb space database.

How much does it cost to have an ISP let you do that? What are the barriers generally?

If you're referring to hosting on a home network, you'll probably be behind CGNAT. Your ISP can give you a dedicated IP but it'll most likely cost something.

Let you do what? What barriers do you see?

> run your own Linux servers

He might have thought it meant running servers on a home network instead of managing remote Linux servers.

> I use CloudFlare R2 to serve your files - its free.

I mean technically it's not free. It's just that they have a very generous "Forever Free" number of read operations (10M/month, $0.36 per million after).

Looks like a site you could build in WordPress with some custom plugins like ACF and host on a single VPS for the most part.

yeah, as a crotchety old unix guy, 10k requests a second was a benchmark 30 years ago on an actual server

today a raspberry pi 5 can do 50k/s with TLS no sweat

Can you give me an example of how to do 50k/s with TLS on an rpi? Also what do you use to measure that?

I've tried a little with httpd (apache) on an older desktop I use as my home server and got terrible results. I can't remember but it might have been single digit or low double digit rps.

Based on these benchmark numbers, 50k/s seems plausible (not sure about the no sweat bit though ;-)): https://www.wolfssl.com/wolfssl-on-pi5-benchmarks/

Also found this bit:

> But second, the new Broadcom SOC finally supports the ARM cryptography extensions, which make it 45x faster at AES, for instance. With TLS almost everywhere, this keeps crypto performance from becoming the bottleneck. Nice.


try with caddy

What I just read is that for the cost of a single 16TB hard drive, they were able to rent a hard drive for 7 hours to stream 16TB, and they still had to devote meaningful engineering resources to avoid the cost overrun.

Does anybody here have a success story where AWS was either much cheaper to operate or to develop for (ideally both) than the normal alternatives?

Yeah, I'm confused, too - a $60 server with any decent web server on it should be happy chugging along at 5-15k req/s, right?

In general, yes. My rule of thumb for a basic web server is 100k QPS per physical core on cheap hardware, slowing down if it's doing anything intensive (depending on the nature of the images being requested and how the requests are distributed relative to the disks' layouts, they could have been pegged at the disks' throughput for example), speeding up if you have a particularly light workload or better hardware.

They don't use AWS, by the way. This was GCP.

Oops, missed that. The question still stands, but read "AWS" as "AWS or a similar service."

10k/s... is that a lot? Computers are insanely fast nowadays..!

No. It's not a lot. 20-30k req/s is easy for serving simple, small files. If you have beefy machine (say, a $50 hetzner rootserver), you get a few TB of storage and unlimited or cheap bandwidth.

8-16 cores can easily(!!!) push this kind of data without even heating up, not sure wtf OP is doing. Well, I know what OP is doing - they fell for the idea that the cloud is more scalable.

The issue with this is that the cloud™ starts "scaling" at the first user, whereas a baremetal server needs to scale when you have saturated a 8-16 core modern CPU, a 1-10 Gb/s NiC, 30-60 GB of RAM. In other words, baremetal needs to scale when you actually run out of hardware resources, which is tens or hundreds of thousands of users later.

Edit: for example, at BeamMP, we run on a few bare metal servers, and serve 22k unique users per day in a multiplayer videogame service. Funded by around 800 people donating.

Based on the names of the endpoints, I get the idea that they're altering the image files on the fly (and probably caching processed files) based on the URL. I've seen this quite often on blogs and such. Serving files shouldn't take much CPU power, but resizing images can get quite expensive, especially if you want to achieve lower egress fees by using better compression methods.

Still, you need to deal with bad scrapers. Plus, this scraper downloaded at a consistent 650mbps, taking up half the unlimited Hetzner pipe by itself; if you'd go for a 10gbps Hetzner machine, you suddenly start paying egress fees once you hit 20TB of traffic. Even then, if you go the cheapo Hetzner server route, you probably still want at least some kind of CDN to keep latency down. Add to that costs of backups and synchronising failovers, and you may end up with more traffic than you'd expect.

I think going bare metal would save more than the signed URLs would, at least until the ten thousanth customer, but not everyone is proficient in maintaining servers. A lot of cloud projects I see are coming from programmers who don't want to/don't know how to maintain a Linux server and just want to run their code. If you're in that category, taking time off to learn server maintenance or hiring a sysadmin can easily be a lot more expensive than paying the extortionate rates cloud providers demand.

I'm not a fan of cloud too, but I have to admit that the networks of these big cloud providers built is just better than self-hosted ones. When they say they'll distribute your file globally, they mean it, as long as you pay of course.

But I would rather say, cloud is not for everyone. Especially in the case mentioned in the article. Think this: do you really REALLY need to distribute enlarged images globally at top speed? I bet most people just don't.

Same thing goes for "scaling", it's true the cloud can do that very well, but do you really need it that bad?

You also need to take into account the size of each response, how long your server needs to keep the data in memory (e.g. because of latency, the requester's bandwidth, etc), whether requests to the same file can share a buffer or not, how much data you can be sending at the same time while still being responsive (e.g. without slowing down other responses, causing them to take longer, requiring you to keep those resources in memory for longer, and snowballing from there), ..., stuff like that.

For short text messages, probably not an issue. With larger stuff like images or video, I would be more careful.

Still, even for text-only, if you're using PostgreSQL, by default you have a limit of (I think) 100 parallel connections (or 97, because I think 3 are reserved for superusers), but each connection can only be executing one transaction at a time, so that can quickly become a bottleneck depending on your application and how fast you need to make queries vs how long your queries take to return a response. So then you might need to tune some PostgreSQL settings, or add caching, or some other way to work around the issue.

If you add more services, then you also need to keep in mind the latency between those services.

And so on and so on. So RAM and network would probably become an issue way earlier than CPU in most cases.

TL;DR: "It depends".

Rate limiting (and its important cousin, back-off retries) is an important feature of any service being consumed by an "outside entity". There are many different reasons you'll want rate limiting at every layer of your stack, for every request you have: brute-force resistance, [accidental] DDoS protection, resiliency, performance testing, service quality, billing/quotas, and more.

Every important service always eventually gets rate limiting. The more of it you have, the more problems you can solve. Put in the rate limits you think you need (based on performance testing) and only raise them when you need to. It's one of those features nobody adds until it's too late. If you're designing a system from scratch, add rate limiting early on. (you'll want to control the limit per session/identity, as well as in bulk)

Very much what I recommend our teams as well. And you can totally start with something careful. Does a single IP really need 50 requests per second?

Like, sure, I have services at work where the answer is "yes". But I have 10 - 20 times more services for which I could cut that to 5 and still be fine.

10k requests per second has historically been a lower challenge to overcome than 10k concurrent sessions on a single box. 10k concurrent sessions was the historic design goal for standing up Node.js 15 years ago.

For everything high traffic and/or concurrency related my go to solution is dedicated sockets. Sockets are inherently session-oriented which makes everything related to security and routing more simple. If there is something about a request you don’t like then just destroy the socket. If you believe there is a DOS flood attack then keep the socket open and discard its messaging. If there are too many simultaneous sockets then jitter traffic processing via load balancer as resources become available.

Remember kids, CDNs are your friend.

You can roll/host your own anything. Except CDN, if you care about uptime.

Did you try sticking your bucket behind Cloud CDN?

Google's documentation is inconsistent, but you do not need to make your bucket public, you can instead grant read access only to Cloud CDN: https://cloud.google.com/cdn/docs/using-signed-cookies#confi...

Dangerously incorrect documentation claiming the bucket must be public: https://cloud.google.com/cdn/docs/setting-up-cdn-with-bucket...

This sounds like a solid next step. I’d like to stop storing URLs we don’t control in our DB and share URLs to these images behind a CDN. We could slowly roll that out and update each image url in our database over time with both continuing to work.

I didn’t realize you could do this with a private bucket by granting it access either. That combined with IP throttling at the CDN level might be a good replacement for this and cut out the need for Rails.

We recently had a bot from Taiwan downloading all of our images, over and over and over - similar to the author. By the time we noticed they had downloaded them many times over and showed no signs of stopping!

Bots these days are our of control and have lost their mind!

I recently found out that Bytedance was scraping a website of mine over and over again. I don't care about their stupid AI crawler scanning my cheapo server, but they were hitting the same files from different IP addresses, all from the same /56 China Telecom subnet.

I added a firewall rule to block the subnet and that seems to have worked. Earlier attempts involving robots.txt failed and my logs still got spammed by all the HTTPS requests when I blocked the bots in Nginx.

I don't understand how you could write a scraper like that and not notice that you're downloading the same files over and over again.

Maybe it's just me, but isn't ~10K r/s pretty much just, well, normal?

I came here to ask the same thing.

CDNs make $$ convincing you it is.

In addition to "signing" the URL, you may also require users to login to view the original image, and serve visitors a compressed version. This could give you the benefit of gaining users (good for VC) while respecting the guests, as well as protecting your investments.

Back in the old days where everyone operates their own server, another thing you could do is to just setup a per-IP traffic throttling with iptables (`-m recent` or `-m hashlimit`). Just something to consider in case one day you might grow tired of Google Cloud Storage too ;)

So your fix was to move the responsibility to the web server and Redis instance? I guess that works but introduces a whole lot more complexity (you mentioned adding rate limiting) and potential for complete outage in the event a lot of requests for images come in again.

That's my worry too. Our server load for our Rails server hasn't gone up even though our throughput has maxed out at 76k requests/second (which I think is a bunch of people from Hacker News going to the Hardcover homepage and downloading 100 images).

I don't like that if Rails goes down our images go down. I'd much prefer to separate these out and show the signed URLs in Next.js and be able to generate them through the API. I think we'll get there, but that's a bigger change than I could reliably make in a day.

I don’t have a ton of use cases for functions where they make great sense, not just fill in a bingo card, but generating access errors cheaply is a big one.

I'm confused, isn't this literally the use case for a CDN?

Edit: I see this is discussed in other threads.

That would solve some of the problems. If the site was previously behind a CDN with a rate limit, I don't think we would have even had this problem.

Given that we have the problem now, and that people already have the non-CDN URLs, we needed a solution that allowed us to roll out something ASAP, while allowing people that use our API to continue using the image URLs they've downloaded.

Makes sense. And kudos on getting a solution that works for you! :D

I solved this problem for free with storage on B2 and a Cloudflare worker which offers free egress from B2. I don't know if they'd still offer it for free at 10k rps though!

I can't describe the surprise when I saw RoR being mentioned, that was unexpected but made the article way more exciting to read.

Wouldn't this be solved by using Cloudflare R2 though?

That's good to hear Any chance to bring in Ruby.

I'm not familiar with Cloudflare R2, so I'll have to check it out. I do like that we can rate limit based on either User ID requesting an image from the API, or by IP address. I'm not sure how we'd handle segmenting by user id with a CDN (but I'd have to read more to understand if that's a possibility).

Thank you for saying it as 10k requests/second. It makes it way more clear than if you had instead said requests/minute, or worse, requests/day.

We put assets in backblase and use fastly to cdn, because the cost is super low. It's a bit more work but super cheap.

Oop, backblaze. Dang autocorr4ct

We've designed our system for this very use case. Whether it's on commodity hardware or in the cloud, whether or not it's using a CDN and edge servers, there are ways to "nip things in the bud", as it were, by rejecting requests without a proper signed payload.

For example, the value of session ID cookies should actually be signed with an HMAC, and checked at the edge by the CDN. Session cookies that represent a authenticated session should also look different than unauthenticated ones. The checks should all happen at the edge, at your reverse proxy, without doing any I/O or calling your "fastcgi" process manager.

But let's get to the juicy part... hosting files. Ideally, you shouldn't have "secret URLs" for files, because then they can be shared and even (gasp) hotlinked from websites. Instead, you should use features like X-Accel-Redirect in NGINX to let your app server determine access to these gated resources. Apache has similar things.

Anyway, here is a write-up which goes into much more detail: https://community.qbix.com/t/files-and-storage/286

Thanks for making me aware of X-Accel-Redirect!

The write-up discusses X-Accel-Redirect's functionality in the context of qbix. For me, the two were rather hard to tease apart in that context. So for others who feel that way, I would recommend starting with Grant Horwood's introduction to X-Accel-Redirect at


Ohh, using the session ID in the URL would be a nice addition to this. We already generate session tokens for every user - guests and logged in users. We could pass that through to segment on rather than IP address.

Glad I could help… consider using the session to determine access and then just send an HTTP 403 or whatever instead of the actual images

The dreaded C10k problem, remaining unsolved to this day.

Unlike the original c10k problem, serving those number of connectioms has now morthed from a technical to an economic problem

I don't think the economics of serving 1Gbit have ever added up to 300$ over two days.

Some quick googling suggests that a dedicated (DIA) 1gbit connection is around $1k/month, which would be $65ish for 2 days.

At that price it would mostly be overhead for getting a relatively slow connection. You could get 10gbps for a similar price.

1gbps from a hosting provider should be a lot less.

Ya I was giving a bit of a worst case estimate, for a link with no limiting or quota.

Don't understand why hosting providers charge for egress. Why isn't it free? Doesn't that mean that we don't have an open internet, isn't that against net neutrality?

> The previous day I was experimenting with Google Cloud Run, trying to migrate our Next.js staging environment from Vercel to there to save some money. I assumed I misconfigured that service and turned it off and went about my day.

I am sorry but who sees a $100 sudden charge, assumes misconfiguration and just goes about their day without digging deeper right away?

Are you one of those devs that mistakenly assumes that you salary constitutes 90% of your cost to the company, when in fact it’s closer to 40%?

You want me to spend an hour trying to save the company $100? We just spent $250. And that’s not the half of it. If the company is expecting me to result in $5 in revenue for every dollar they spend on me, we really just lost out on more than $1000.

I’ve worked many places where we didn’t think about opportunity costs. I’ve also been laid off many times.

The author in another comment posted this which very clearly indicated they are bootstrapping a low cash side project from their own wallet:

> If this were a business and someone else's money I'd do the same. This is a bootstrapped side project coming out of my own wallet. If money wasn't an issue, I'd probably just allow people to download images for free.

We usually spend about $60/month at Google anyways, so $100 wasn’t a crazy jump. That could be one left on Cloud Run instance. When it jumped to $300 total after disabling it that’s when I got worried.

But you’re not the author, and still went with incredulity as your response. My question still stands.

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