AI is just the hot "trend" tech is riding the wave on, lets go back a bit:
- The Cloud
- Big Data
- Self Driving cars
- ML (same as AI but more about chatbots)
- AI -> I know when Matthew McConaughey is wearing a cowboy hat shilling AI for salesforce(do they even have any GPU clusters at all??) that we have reached the peak of this wave and its all downhill until the next trend is found.
Tbf, ML and the cloud are wildly successful and arguably very useful.
We’ve basically solved image recognition with ML techniques (including deep learning ones, which are now called AI, I think)
The cloud’s popularity and successfulness is self-evident if you follow the web space at all.
Neither of those were “just” trends.
I think AI will follow in line with them.
Obviously something useful that we will make extensive use of, but with limitations which will become clear in time. (Likely the same limitations we ran into with big data and ml. Not enough quality data and the effort of curating that data may not be worth it)
It's not that far fetched though, "google" is a popular verb.
But I don't think "AI" will be the word, I think it'll be a brand name that serves as a catch-all regardless of the brand you're actually referencing, like bandaid or kleenex.
True, you might Xerox copies but you wouldn't Kleenex your stuffy nose (though I've heard of someone bandaiding a cut before). Like Kleenex I actually think AI is slightly too awkward to say to become a common verb.
That's not peak AI yet. Wait until "AI" is a verb (meaning to apply an AI to, or to ask an AI about) and an adjective. will have a sister article consisting of "AI" only.