I chose my username from the narrator's alter ego in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. In reference to the analytical knife:
"Phædrus was a master with this knife, and used it with dexterity and a sense of power. With a single stroke of analytic thought he split
the whole world into parts of his own choosing, split the parts and split the fragments of the parts, finer and finer and finer until he had
reduced it to what he wanted it to be. Even the special use of the terms "classic" and "romantic" are examples of his knifemanship."
In a bit of nominative determinism, or perhaps just having chosen the name because I know myself (or maybe I just over use these words), my keywords include: "part, system, level, language, article, object," etc.
"Phædrus was a master with this knife, and used it with dexterity and a sense of power. With a single stroke of analytic thought he split the whole world into parts of his own choosing, split the parts and split the fragments of the parts, finer and finer and finer until he had reduced it to what he wanted it to be. Even the special use of the terms "classic" and "romantic" are examples of his knifemanship."
In a bit of nominative determinism, or perhaps just having chosen the name because I know myself (or maybe I just over use these words), my keywords include: "part, system, level, language, article, object," etc.