Steve Jobs is the progenitor of the species of well-spoken douchebag that now infests our industry. Don't get me wrong, the turnaround he pulled off with Apple is fucking incredible and a story for the business ages, but Jesus Christ, it is so clear now that every startup CEO is desperate to be Steve Jobs, but lacking the vision that he had, resort merely to mimicking his (likely disordered) personality. Shouting at subordinates, fostering a culture of fear, and generally just being an absolute asswipe to work with.
When you have the absolutely astonishing insight into how to create and dominate markets like he had, and the numerous strokes of luck, not to mention the engineering mind of Wozniak to bring your insane ideas to life, you can get away with it. If you have anything short of that, running the Jobs playbook will get you nowhere, and rightfully so.
Edit: And that's not even touching his personal life, which was absolute trash fire.
There are many companies like that in the valley too. They just don’t get the attention they deserve.
That’s one of the reasons I miss Steve Jobs. He delivered so much value but could also play the attention game so well.