As someone with a hardware background, I'll throw in my $0.02. The schematic capture elements to connect up large blocks of HDL with a ton of I/O going everywhere are one of the few applications of visual programming that I like. Once you get past defining the block behaviors in HDL, instantiation can become tedious and error-prone in text, since the tools all kinda suck with very little hinting or argument checking, and the modules can and regularly do have dozens of I/O arguments. Instead, it's often very easy to map the module inputs to schematic-level wires, particularly in situations where large buses can be combined into single fat lines, I/O types can be visually distinguished, etc. IDE keyboard shortcuts also make these signals easy to follow and trace as they pass through hierarchical organization of blocks, all the way down to transistor-level implementations in many cases.
I've also always had an admiration for the Falstad circuit simulation tool[0], as the only SPICE-like simulator that visually depicts magnitude of voltages and currents during simulation (and not just on graphs). I reach for it once in a while when I need to do something a bit bigger than I can trivially fit in my head, but not so complex that I feel compelled to fight a more powerful but significantly shittier to work with IDE to extract an answer.
Schematics work really well for capturing information that's independent of time, like physical connections or common simple functions (summers, comparators, etc). Diagrams with time included sacrifice a dimension to show sequential progress, which is fine for things that have very little changing state attached or where query/response is highly predictable. Sometimes, animation helps restore the lost dimension for systems with time-evolution. But beyond trivial things that fit on an A4 sheet, I'd rather represent time-evolution of system state with timing diagrams. I don't think there's many analogous situations in typical programming applications that call for timing diagrams, but they are absolutely foundational for digital logic applications and low-level hardware drivers.
As much as I prefer to do everything in a text editor and use open-source EDA tools/linters/language servers, Xilinx's Vivado deserves major credit from me for its block editor, schematic view, and implementation view.
For complex tasks like connecting AXI, SoC, memory, and custom IP components together, things like bussed wires and ports, as well as GUI configurators, make the process of getting something up and running on a real FPGA board much easier and quicker than if I had to do it all manually (of course, after I can dump the Tcl trace and move all that automation into reproducible source scripts).
I believe the biggest advantage of the Vivado block editor is the "Run Block Automation" flow that can quickly handle a lot of the wire connections and instantiation of required IPs when integrating an SoC block with modules. I think it would be interesting to explore if this idea could be successfully translated to other styles of visual programming. For example, I could place and connect a few core components and let the tooling handle the rest for me.
Also, a free idea (or I don't know if it's out there yet): an open-source HDL/FPGA editor or editor extension with something like the Vivado block editor that works with all the open source EDA tools with all the same bells and whistles, including an IP library, programmable IP GUI configurators, bussed ports and connections, and block automation. You could even integrate different HDL front-ends as there are many more now than in the past. I know Icestudio is a thing, but that seems designed for educational use, which is also cool to see! I think a VSCode webview-based extension could be one easier way to prototype this.
> Also, a free idea (or I don't know if it's out there yet): an open-source HDL/FPGA editor or editor extension with something like the Vivado block editor that works with all the open source EDA tools with all the same bells
"Free idea: do all this work that it takes hundreds of people to do. Free! It's even free! And easy!"
Lol you must be one of those "the idea is worth more than the implementation types.
> The schematic capture elements to connect up large blocks of HDL with a ton of I/O going everywhere are one of the few applications of visual programming that I like.
Right. Trying to map lines of code to blocks 1 to 1 is a bad use of time. Humans seem to deal with text really well. The problem becomes when we have many systems talking to one another, skimming through text becomes far less effective. Being able to connect 'modules' or 'nodes' together visually(whatever those modules are) and rewire them seems to be a better idea.
For a different take that's not circuit-based, see how shader nodes are implemented in Blender. That's not (as far as I know a) a Turing complete language, but it gives one idea how you can connect 'nodes' together to perform complex calculations:
A more 'general purpose' example is the blueprint system from Unreal Engine. Again we have 'nodes' that you connect together, but you don't create those visually, you connect them to achieve the behavior you want:
> I don't think there's many analogous situations in typical programming applications that call for timing diagrams
Not 'timing' per se (although those exist), but situations where you want to see changes over time across several systems are incredibly common, but existing tooling is pretty poor for that.
There's no reason they can't instead be used to show how data transforms. The sort of 'flow wall' someone sees in a large industrial setting (think water/waste water treatment plants, power plants, chemical plants, etc) or process mockup diagrams for spreadsheet heavy modpacks (I'm looking at you GregTech New Horizons).
Data can instead be modeled as inputs which transform as they flow through a system, and possibly modify the system.
Building block diagrams in Vivado to whip up quick FPGA designs was a pleasant experience. Unfortunately the biggest problem wasn't the visual editor. The provided implementations of the AMD/Xilinx IP cores are terrible and not on par with what you would expect first party support to be. The other problem was that their AXI subordinate example was trash and acted more like a barrier to get started. What they should have done is acquire or copy airhdl and let people auto generate a simpler register interface that they can then drag and drop.
i remember using the falstad sim constantly at university a decade ago. super helpful and so much more intuitive than any spice thing. cool to see that it's still around and used
I've also always had an admiration for the Falstad circuit simulation tool[0], as the only SPICE-like simulator that visually depicts magnitude of voltages and currents during simulation (and not just on graphs). I reach for it once in a while when I need to do something a bit bigger than I can trivially fit in my head, but not so complex that I feel compelled to fight a more powerful but significantly shittier to work with IDE to extract an answer.
Schematics work really well for capturing information that's independent of time, like physical connections or common simple functions (summers, comparators, etc). Diagrams with time included sacrifice a dimension to show sequential progress, which is fine for things that have very little changing state attached or where query/response is highly predictable. Sometimes, animation helps restore the lost dimension for systems with time-evolution. But beyond trivial things that fit on an A4 sheet, I'd rather represent time-evolution of system state with timing diagrams. I don't think there's many analogous situations in typical programming applications that call for timing diagrams, but they are absolutely foundational for digital logic applications and low-level hardware drivers.