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This is quite idiomatic for R; packages like ggplot do the same thing to, for instance, build up graphics- see https://r4ds.hadley.nz/data-visualize for some nice examples

ggplot2 is pretty much an exception at this point, and if the package was created today it would use the pipe instead of add [1]. Most packages use pipes now (especially with the introduction of the pipe operator in R 4.1.0).

[1] https://forum.posit.co/t/why-cant-ggplot2-use/4372/7

I am no R expert, but pipes don't seem the most intuitive for ggplot. This is because they would imply that, e.g., ggtitle() %>% geom_point() means that ggtitle() outputs an input for geom_point().

That’s exactly how ggplot (not 2!) worked: https://github.com/hadley/ggplot1

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