Yes, I want to like mine and use it more but the software support is the real problem. The hardware is truly amazing (ignoring price point) and i've never had a VR/AR experience anywhere close but doing anything like my current computer flow is such a pain
> i've never had a VR/AR experience anywhere close
What VR experiences have you had?
I was not impressed at all. Have had a Rift since they launched. Rift-S, Quest 2, Quest 3, PSVR, PSVR2. Nothing about the Vision Pro did anything for me. The "try to hold your eyes still to point" is the worst possible UX interaction I've ever used. Super un-natural and un-intuitive. That's not how my eyes work. I knew that the first time I tried "stare to point" on PSVR2. It was awful there and it's awful on Vision Pro
It also felt horrible. I'm not saying any of the other HMD are great but Vision Pro's weight was awful. It's either too tight to stay on or resting on my nose. Someday that will be fixed (glasses?) but in the context of shipping devices, the devices that put the weight on the forehead are way more comfortable. I think PSVR(1) was the first to do that. Rift-S copied. Quest is a step back unless you get a 3rd party accessory
The "you get one screen from your mac" was also disappointing. I've had 6 screens in VR from my PC since Rift shipped. It's built into the Rift/Link OS. Yes, it's got issues but 1 screen is still a step back of many years, not forward.
I've got a Quest 3 and I have to say I thought the Vision Pro interface was about 100x better. Windows stay concretely fixed in place (instead of skittering and jittering about), and the interaction paradigm required no training and worked flawlessly for me. Every time I pick up my Quest now, I feel the disappointment of having to use a controller or the terrible hand tracking.
Also if you're having fit/weight issues worth switching to the extra strap they ship and investing a good amount of time trying to optimize it. I did that and now wearing it for 8 hour stretches isn't a big deal. YMMV
I mean the actual AR experience, every other headset i've used is so janky and can't persist objects enough to actually immerse you. AVP windows I've actually attempted to avoid while walking because my brain forgets they aren't real after a little bit
Maybe my confusion was you wrote VR/AR instead of just AR.
Though even then, while visually the Vision Pro does better then the Quest 3 at AR, the interactions leave a lot to be desired. AR (and VR) make me want to reach out and touch things. But when I tried, instead of letting me interact by touching it required me to "stare and hold eyes perfectly still and then tap fingers somewhere not on the thing I actually wanted to interact with"
Like if an app window is close enough to touch then I just want to touch it like a giant floating touch screen. Not "stare and tap pants".
Yeah my bad the VR is good but the AR is what feels like best in class. agreed on your point there is some support for that (was doing development and some example apps let you interact with "real world" objects like you're describing) but i don't know why they didn't just use that as the dominant paradigm. Maybe was seen as too janky or difficult for non techies