I'm not sure how that link helps me. I've already seen many of those studies. Which one satisfies, "students were given identical tasks, and a fairly large amount of time to do them"?
That is the specific study I am searching for to add to my list of papers. Did you give me this link because you were referring to Humphrey (A Discipline for Software Engineering), or something else? I can track down Humphrey, but it will take me a few days, since it's a physical book.
My apologies. I misread what you were looking for. Mostly by not actually reading what you wrote. :(
Perhaps the previous author was thinking of the Prechelt "An Empirical Comparison of .." paper? http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/prechelt/Biblio/jccpprtTR.pdf . Section 5.7 has "work times" for Java and C/C++ programmers using well-observed times. However, that is not for a "fairly large amount of time."
That is the specific study I am searching for to add to my list of papers. Did you give me this link because you were referring to Humphrey (A Discipline for Software Engineering), or something else? I can track down Humphrey, but it will take me a few days, since it's a physical book.